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Cervical & Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

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1 Cervical & Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
Azam Tarafdari , MD Assistant Professor , IKCH, TUMS

2 Ectopic pregnancy in a previous cesarean (hysterotomy) scar occurs in about 1 in 2000 pregnancies .
It accounts for 6 percent of ectopic pregnancies among women with a prior cesarean delivery . The incidence does not appear to correlate with the number of cesarean deliveries.

3 The mechanism for implantation in this location is believed to be migration of the embryo through either a wedge defect in the lower uterine segment or a microscopic fistula within the scar.

4 Clinical manifestations
vaginal bleeding with or without pain uterine rupture hypovolemic shock

5 Diagnostic evaluation
Enlarged hysterotomy scar with an embedded mass Which may bulge beyond the anterior contour of the uterus Presence of trophoblast between the bladder and the anterior uterine wall No fetal parts in the uterine cavity Absence of myometrium between the gestational sac and the bladder Doppler evidence of perfusion of the peritrophoblastic vasculature Discontinuity of the anterior uterine wall in the sagittal plane Magnetic resonance imaging and hysteroscopy have been used to further evaluate pregnancy location, but are not mandatory for making the diagnosis .


7 Our Experience In a case series from 1393 till now we collect approxiamately 40 cases of cesarean scar & cervical pregnancy. According to our experiments we recommend the following protocole:

8 Fetal reduction(with kCL) βHCG titer
Scar pregnancy FHR(+) FHR(-) Fetal reduction(with kCL) βHCG titer < >8000 Single dose of MTX dobel dose of MTX multi dose of MTX Follow up with US

9 * If after treatment, in serial sonography hypervascualarity is seen , so we recommend uterine artery Embolization.


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