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Implementing a Stress Reduction Plan

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1 Implementing a Stress Reduction Plan
Module 10/ Chapter 10 Implementing a Stress Reduction Plan "Work on a plan; then the plan will work on you."

2 CHAPTER 10 OUTLINE Importance of Implementing a Plan Stages of Change
Determining Goals, Objectives, and Targets Goal setting Establishing objectives Deciding targets Social Support Finding the Best Techniques that Suit Your Goals Toward a Stress-Free Life Summary Points

3 Two Levels of Planning Personal
How one can reduce stress in one’s life by applying stress reduction techniques Educational How one can teach others to reduce stress in their lives

4 Personal Goal Setting Sum total of projections of our long term plans
Indication of what we want to accomplish in life To do the “right things” Need to identify goals for personal, professional, social, and spiritual spheres Determined by the operational level of need

5 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Physiological (Food, clothing, shelter, sex etc.) Safety (Protection from physiological harm) Love, affection, belonging, and social acceptance Self esteem (internal factors such as self respect, autonomy, achievement & external factors such as status, recognition) Self-actualization (to achieve maximum potential)

6 ERG Theory E -- Existence R – Relatedness G -- Growth
More than one level of need may be operational at any given time If gratification of higher level need is thwarted then the desire to satisfy a lower need is increased

7 Objectives & Targets Objectives: Targets:
Directed, focused, step-by-step efforts to achieve goals; how to do the “things right” Have a monthly, quarterly, or yearly time frame Targets: Represent specific smaller steps performed on a day-to-day basis Have a weekly or daily time frame

8 General Characteristics of Objectives
Specific, Concerted, Precise (S) Measurable (M) Action oriented or Behaviorally-oriented – Proactive & uses an action verb (A) Realistic (R) Determined time frame (T) Sequenced Written Easy way to remember : SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time frame

9 Prioritizing Objectives
More Important Less Important More Changeable Less Changeable

10 Teaching-Learning Principles for Educational Planning
Process attributes Content attributes Environmental attributes Teaching Principles

11 Process Attributes of Learning Principles…1
Learning is an active process Learning is always better if some action is involved or the learner transcribes into action what he or she has learned Learning is cumulative Learning is always better if one learns in small steps and then attempts at integrating what he or she has learned Learning always occurs on what a person has learned previously and builds on the earlier learning  Learning occurs at cognitive (thought), conative (emotional), & volitional (action) levels & it is always better if one achieves a balance at all these three levels

12 Process Attributes of Learning Principles … 2
Learning is better if one is able to express oneself, actively listen to others, and actively interact to clarify other's viewpoint Learning is a personal process, as well as, a group process Learning occurs at individual level as well as collectively by pooling and sharing variety of experiences of different people Learning is a participative process.  Learning is best when it entails prompt and constructive feedback

13 Content Attributes of Learning Principles
Learning is always better if what is being learned interests the learner Learning is always better if what is being learned is of practical utility and relevance to the learner If the content of learning relates to everyday experiences of the learner learning is improved If the learner is able to understand what is being conveyed learning is better

14 Learner Attributes of Learning Principles
Learning is affected by personal factors like emotions, stress, one's own beliefs, attitudes, and values  Open mind and willingness to learn are essential for learning to take place  Ability to concentrate and work with undivided attention for long periods of time  Learning is self-regulated and self-controlled

15 Environmental Attributes of Learning Principles
Time of the day. For some people learning is better in the mornings while for others it is better in the evenings or late at night  Season. Extremes of the temperature and other variations of physical environment usually hamper learning Place. For different people different places help or hinder learning  Observation of others. By looking at others perform, by analyzing their rewards & punishments  Family, peers, colleagues, teachers, and others influence one's learning

16 Teaching Principles Teaching is a participative process between learner, teacher and institutions to which they belong -- Each of them have equal and joint responsibility  Creation of non-threatening, non-judgmental, environment conducive to learning is a prerequisite for teaching  Mutual respect between the learner, teacher and institutions to which they belong is another essential prerequisite for teaching to be effective

17 Teaching Principles … 2 Utilization of sequential combination of approaches which foster knowledge, attitudes, skills and behavior/lifestyle changes need to be used to enhance teaching Lectures, lecturettes, video-presentations, self-study, computers (Knowledge/ Cognitive) Group discussion, brainstorming, role play, simulation exercises, field trips (Attitudes/ Affective) Demonstration, re-demonstration, practice (Skills) Combination of above approaches in a theory-driven sequence over sustained period of time results in behavior changes

18 Teaching Principles … 3 Effective teaching always relates to experiences by building on examples and illustrations from day-to-day life  Effective teaching encourages critical, rational thinking and helps one to think for oneself and develop an analytical, pragmatic problem solving approach in life  Effective teaching provides prompt, constructive, and clear (unambiguous) feedback

19 Teaching Principles … 4 Effective teaching is flexible and accommodative to cater to the needs of the learner and is learner-centered. In this way it is personalized for the learner  Effective teaching is repetitive and reiterative  On the whole, effective teaching utilizes all the learning principles elaborated above

20 Thoughts for Reflection
Read and reflect with a partner: 10.1 Points to ponder 10.2 Promise to myself

21 Skill Building Activities …1
Complete Worksheet 10.1: Determining Goals and Objectives Complete Worksheet 10.2: Prioritizing Your Objectives Complete Worksheet 10.3: Deciding Targets Complete Worksheet 10.4: Identifying Social Support

22 Skill Building Activities …2
Complete Worksheet 10.5: Enhancing Effectiveness of Social Support Complete Worksheet 10.6: Stress Management and Reduction Techniques (SMART Practice Log) Complete Worksheet 10.7: Self Agreement Complete Worksheet 10.8: Writing a self-diary for stress management

23 Skill Building Activities …3
Identify five top principles for designing stress management educational programs. Compare these with those identified by a partner. Discuss reasons for your choices

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