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Africa and its history of slavery

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1 Africa and its history of slavery

2 African Slavery Slavery existed in Africa since ancient times; it did not begin in the 1500’s with European contact Most slaves were P.O.W.’s but some sold themselves into slavery during times of famine

3 African Slavery Slaves were an integral part of community Treated as servants & NOT AS PROPERTY In time, slaves or their children could become full members of the society

4 Atlantic Slave Trade Europeans introduced slavery on a massive scale 1700’s - height of the slave trade - 60,000 Africans/year packed onto slave ships “Middle passage” - trans-Atlantic voyage to Americas

5 Atlantic Slave Trade European slave traders paid local African rulers guns for the slaves With these same guns, African slave traders began attacking villages to take prisoners as slaves

6 Atlantic Slave Trade Slave trade lasted 400 years and between 2 and 3 million Africans died during that time In ship’s hold, conditions were filthy and crowded and diseases spread rapidly

7 Effects of the Slave Trade
1. Disrupted societies 2. Encouraged wars and increased tensions among neighboring peoples 3. Economic life suffered - healthy men & women were removed from their community

8 Effects of the Slave Trade
Many small communities disappeared without strong hands to plant & harvest 4. Diaspora - scattering of people - trade sent millions of Africans overseas and brought great suffering to captives

9 Free Areas Britain set up a colony, Sierra Leone, as a haven for former slaves after abolition Free blacks in the U.S. organized Liberia

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