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Research Project Help.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Project Help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Project Help

2 What you need Running header (this appears at the top of every page- includes title of paper- flush left in ALL CAPS and page number- flush right) Name, My Name, Date (the day the paper is due), Class Each section needs to be titled- you should have 5 sections: 1. Overall subject 2. What has happened 3. What is happening now 4. What should happen 5. Info graphic You need at least 5 references (these need to be different sources) Reference List 3-5 Pages (this does not include your Reference List or you Infographic)

3 Sample Reference List is Found on page 2 of this document
Make sure to have hanging indents URLs DO NOT need to be underlined or blue Alphabetical order Follow the guidelines per source

4 Infographic You are taking data and formatting it into some type of chart. You must make the chart- you cannot use a chart that has already been made You must cite where you got this information for the chart It must be labeled (titled, x, and y axis) explain what you are measuring You must reference this chart in your paper (ex: As seen in figure A there has been an exponential rise of 62% of sexual violence on college campuses since 2005.)

5 Reminders Do NOT start a sentence or paragraph with a quote
DO NOT end a paragraph with a quote When in doubt cite!

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