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Mini-Lesson by Amy, Liam and Henry

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1 Mini-Lesson by Amy, Liam and Henry
GIVE by SIMON ARMITAGE Mini-Lesson by Amy, Liam and Henry


3 Familiarise yourself with the poem…
The speaker, who appears to be homeless, says he is making a scene by sleeping in the doorway of the person he/she is addressing. He offers to perform for a suitable reward. He begs for ‘change’ and comments on being given tea. Draw a brief sketch of what you imagine the man in the poem to look like.

4 Structure and form At the start of the poem, each line consists of four pairs of syllables and the poem has a very rhythmical feel about it. ACTIVITY: One person will read out the first stanza rhythmically. Another will tap their table in rhythm.

5 Look at the last stanza…
You give me tea. That’s big of you. I’m on my knees. I beg of you. Did you notice that the last stanza is completely monosyllabic? (all words have one syllable) What do you think is the significance of this?

6 You give me tea. ; That’s big of you. ; I beg of you.
Language Pronouns are used for effect in this poem. The use of ‘I’ ‘I’m’ and ‘I’ve’ are effective because they make the pain of the poet sound more personable to the reader. Consequently they will be able to empathise more with the poet. Armitage also uses the pronoun ‘you’ a lot - especially in the final stanza where he uses it three times. You give me tea. ; That’s big of you. ; I beg of you. What effect does the repetition of the pronoun ‘you’ have on the way you as the reader interprets the poem?

7 Interpretations of the poem
Look at lines 9 and 10. It’s not as if I’m holding out For frankincense or myrrh, just change. This is an allusion to the Bible. Remember and Allusion is an indirect reference and it is NOT the same as an illusion! If Jesus was loved AND poor, why can’t the person in the poem be loved as well as poor?

8 Interpretation 2 Remember that in your exam, you will need to give alternative interpretations. Another interpretation is that the whole poem is metaphorical and that the poet is the lover of the ‘tea giver’. Write down two quotes from the poem that suggest that the poet is affectionate towards the ‘tea giver’.

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