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WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.

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Presentation on theme: "WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far."— Presentation transcript:

1 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.
Monday 5th September 2016 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.

2 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.
Play Kahoot! Today, we are going to review the first two chapters of the book. We are hoping to show our understanding so far. Teacher: Login to Kahoot and Search for: Friend or Foe Chapter 2

3 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.
Activity: In pairs, you need to think of the key events that have happened in the story so far, starting with David waking up in the dark and being given his apple. Write down as many as you can think of- there are no limits.

4 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.
Activity: Now you have a long list of ideas, we are going to condense this list to just six events. Which do you consider to be the most important and why?

5 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.
Main Task: Your next job is going to be to create a mini-booklet of the key events. For each event you’ve chosen you need to draw an image and write a caption saying what is happening.

6 WALT: discuss and review our comprehension of the text so far.

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