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2 In(tense) Chart & Songs!
Present (verbs) Imperfect (was verbing) Perfect (verbed) Pluperfect (had verbed) 1st S (I) o bam i eram 2nd S (you) s bas isti eras 3rd S (s/he) t bat it erat 1st P (We) mus bamus imus eramus 2nd P (Y’all) tis batis istis eratis 3rd P (They) nt bant erunt erant

3 In(tense) Chart o bam i eram s bas isti eras t bat it erat mus bamus
Present (verbs) Imperfect (was verbing) Perfect (verbed) Pluperfect (had verbed) 1st S (I) o bam i eram 2nd S (you) s bas isti eras 3rd P (s/he) t bat it erat 1st P (We) mus bamus imus eramus 2nd P (Y’all) tis batis istis eratis 3rd P (They) nt bant erunt erant

4 Imperfect (Past-Progressive) Forms happened over a period of time or repeatedly in the past.
Examples in English: I was walking They were walking They used to walk They repeatedly walked

5 spectabat agebat ambulabat currebas ambulabant currebam ambulabam
Using your knowledge of the Present Endings, can you predict the subject of these Imperfect Verb forms? spectabat agebat ambulabat currebas ambulabant currebam ambulabam ambulabas ridebant

6 Translate: laudabat S/he was praising. laudat S/he is praising. sedent
sedebant dormiebas dormit bibebat bibit S/he was praising. S/he is praising. They sit. They were sitting. You were sleeping. S/he is sleeping. S/he was drinking. S/he drinks.

7 Imperfect Tense Video

8 In(tense) Chart o bam i eram s bas isti eras t bat it erat mus bamus
Present (verbs) Imperfect (was verbing) Perfect (verbed) Pluperfect (had verbed) 1st S (I) o bam i eram 2nd S (you) s bas isti eras 3rd P (s/he) t bat it erat 1st P (We) mus bamus imus eramus 2nd P (Y’all) tis batis istis eratis 3rd P (They) nt bant erunt erant

9 spectavit risit ambulavit egerunt ambulaverunt cucurrit ambulavi
Can you predict the subject based on these verbs’ endings? What stands out to you about the Perfect Tense? spectavit risit ambulavit egerunt ambulaverunt cucurrit ambulavi cucurrerunt ambulavisti

10 Perfect Tense How do you think they are formed? audivit superavit
audio, audire, audivi, auditum superavit supero, superare, superavi, superatum laudaverunt laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum

11 audio, audire, audivi, auditum
Singular Plural 1st audivi audivimus 2nd audivisti audivistis 3rd audivit audiverunt 1st I heard We heard. 2nd You heard Y’all heard 3rd S/he heard They heard

12 ago, agere, egi, actum Singular Plural 1st egi egimus
2nd egisti egistis 3rd egit egerunt 1st I did We did 2nd You did Y’all did 3rd S/he did They did

13 So… in conclusion bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant was/were verbing
used to verb i, isti, it, imus, istis, erunt verbed did verb have verbed

14 Perfect Tense Video

15 PRACTICE 1. canis Grumionem in culina spectabat.
2. turba magna ad theatrum festinavit. 3. Metella in atrium ambulabat. 4. multi servi panem vendunt. 5. Pompeiani ancillam laudaverunt. 6. actores in scaena dormiebant. 7. ancilla Metellam pulsavit.

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