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Grade 9 Sexual Assault: Lesson Two (OVERHEAD: Did you know?)

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1 Grade 9 Sexual Assault: Lesson Two (OVERHEAD: Did you know?)
One in 10 high school students has experienced some form of dating violence Studies about dating violence show that in cases involving severe abuse, the majority of abusers are male Studies of battered wives show that many reported having been abused by their partners before they were married Adapted from the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services' brochure on teen dating. Copyright 2010– Alberta Health Services –

2 Why Does Dating Violence Happen?
Grade 9 Sexual Assault: Lesson Two (OVERHEAD: Did you know?) Why Does Dating Violence Happen? “I didn’t know it was wrong.” “I thought the jealousy meant he really loved me.” “I thought I deserved it.” “I saw the same thing at home so I thought it was OK.” “I thought it was OK to hit her… I had to keep her in line.” “So what’s the big deal? I hit her… who’ll stop me?” Adapted from the City of Edmonton Community and Family Serviceds’ brochure on teen dating. Copyright 2008 – Calgary Health Region –

3 Why do Teens Stay in Abusive Relationships?
“I thought I could change him with love and understanding.” “I can’t live without him.” “I thought that this was just how relationships are.” “I was scared to break it off.” “He told me it was my fault.” “I was embarrassed to talk about it with anyone.” “I didn’t want to be alone.” “He isn’t always like this. I just make him so mad.” Adapted from the City of Edmonton Community and Family Serviceds’ brochure on teen dating. Copyright 2008 – Calgary Health Region –

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