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1 Water

2 Chemical Properties of Water
H2O bond angle = 104.5 high heat capacity = J/gK high delectric constant polar remarkable properties! H-bonding ice floats good solvent

3 Importance of Water Earth’s surface is > 70% H2O
Our body is ~ 2/3 H2O *Very important to life – scientists claim possibility of life on moon, moons of Saturn, galaxy because of it

4 Water in the Bible God, the Master Chemist created water 2 Peter 3:5-6
Gen. 1:6-10 2nd day of creation 2:6-7 mist from the earth

5 wô´tẽr (מים, mayim; ὕδωρ, húdōr):
The Greek philosophers believed water to be the original substance Because of the scarcity of water in Palestine it is especially appreciated by the people there (I Chron. 11:17) The rainfall is the only source of supply of water for Palestine From ISBE

6 Water during the exodus
In Exodus 15:23 the people grumbled for water 15:27 12 wells of water In Exodus 17:1-7 the people grumbled for water In Numbers 20:1-13 the people were without water again. Moses sinned and lost the right to go into the promised land.

7 3 Instances in the Old Testament
The flood Gen. 7:11,17 Noah’s family saved in the ark Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 14:21-22, 26-30 Hebrews were saved from the Egyptians Jonah in the great fish’s belly Jonah 1:17; 2:3, 10 Jonah was saved by a great fish In all 3 instances, these people were saved by being brought through the water

8 Water in the New Testament
1 Peter 3:20-21 water baptism saves us John 3:5 we must be born of the water & the Spirit Romans 6 we are buried with Christ in baptism 1 John 5:6-12 and Matt 12:40 Christ makes this all possible John 4:1-24 Jesus with the woman at the well Christ is the Living Water Ephesians 5:26 we are cleansed by water Rev. 22:17 water of life

9 “Baptism doth also now save us”
Conclusion: we are saved spiritually through the water. It is not anything magic about the water. It is not because we are doing some great thing. This is how God designed for us to be saved.

10 The Plan of Salvation Hear the Word (Rm. 10:17)
Believe in Jesus (Jn. 1:12) Repent of Sins (II Cor. 7:9-10) Confess Faith in Christ (Mt. 10:32) Be Baptized in Water (Rm. 6:3-4) Continue in God’s Grace (Ac. 13:43) If you err as a Christian: Repent & Pray God for Forgiveness (Ac. 8:22)

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