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Establishing a Happy Medium in Your Organization

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Presentation on theme: "Establishing a Happy Medium in Your Organization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishing a Happy Medium in Your Organization
LIMRA Marketing & Research Conference June 3, 2010

2 Managing Social Media Background Opportunities, Issues and Challenges Industry Next Steps
John N. Travagline, CRCP VP, Compliance Insurance Marketplace Standards Association

3 Establishing a Happy Medium in Your Organization
Larry Riddell, Director of Compliance Signator Investors, Inc.

4 Navigating Social Media
One Company’s Journey to Establish a Solid, Social Networking Strategy Linda Powers, VP Communications World Financial Group

5 Navigating Social Media
The journey to reach millions of users begins with an answer to a single question: Why do we want to jump into the Social Media fray?

6 Navigating Social Media
The answer shouldn’t be “because everyone else is doing it.” Instead, it should be that this is how people communicate today and how they will communicate in the future!

7 Companies recognize the power of Social Media
Pepsi dropped TV advertising from the 2010 Super Bowl after 23 years. Instead, the soft drink giant is said to be investing $20 million in a social media campaign. 1 Best Buy has more than 2,500 employees helping customers via Twitter as part of its Twelpforce initiative.2 1 “Pepsi sidelines super bowl ads, opts for social media push.” 1/5/2010. 2 “31 social media stats and anecdotes.” 2/22/2010

8 The News Media Understands the Reality of Social Media:
According to a survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project: 75% of respondents said they get news forwarded through or posts on social networking sites, while 37 % of online users said they’ve reported news, commented on a story or shared it on sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. The survey goes on to report that social networking sites have made news a more participatory experience than ever before.3 3 “Survey: More Americans get news from Internet than newspapers or radio,” by Doug Gross. CNN. 3/1/2010.

9 Social Media is not without its pitfalls
To successfully implement a social media strategy you need: Clearly defined goals Clearly understood expectations Clearly communicated policies and procedures

10 Social Media It takes a village to raise your social networking profile Get executive buy-in Make your IT team your ally Create a strong working relationship with your Compliance and Legal departments

11 Social Media All for one and one for all – Marketing, Compliance & Legal Develop strong two-way lines of communication Work together to find solutions that meet the needs of all parties Find balance!

12 Social Media The rules are made to be followed.
Develop and implement clear, easily understood and easily followed Guidelines Protocols Best Practices Make sure these rules of the road are communicated to all stakeholders Re-evaluate quarterly and incorporate any regulatory or company changes

13 Social Media All systems are a go – Ready to launch
Launching in phases vs. “going all in” What we did and why Challenges and opportunities




17 Social Media – WFG Facebook Page

18 Social Media – WFG Facebook Page

19 Social Media – WFG Facebook Page

20 Social Media – Search for Success
Leveraging social media sites to enhance search engine optimization The benefits of social media to search engine optimization Managing and enhancing the brand

21 The End Results The GOOD - embracing the use of social media and having it work for your business while implementing the appropriate level of controls to effectively manage the risks. The BAD - ignoring the value and prohibiting usage. The UGLY - allowing usage with no policy strategy or systematic controls to supervise and help ensure appropriate usage.

22 Establishing a Happy Medium in Your Organization
LIMRA Marketing & Research Conference June 3, 2010

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