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Magnetic Resonance Imaging [MRI]

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetic Resonance Imaging [MRI]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging [MRI]
Neju Mathew Philip Inspire Fellow Optoelectronic Materials & Devices Lab NITT

2 OVERVIEW Introduction Theory Instrumentation &Working Applications Review

3 INTRODUCTION Invented by Raymond V Damadian, 1969
Uses magnetism to produce images of body Based on the principle of NMR Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield -Nobel for medicine, 2003

4 THEORY Body is composed of 60% water
MRI uses the proton in Hydrogen atom Protons align parallel or anti-parallel in external magnetic field B0 Precession motion of protons Larmour frequency ω = γB0

Components 1. Primary magnet 2. Gradient magnet 3. Radio frequency coils 4. Computer system Room shielded from EM rays and metallic objects Non ionising radiations

6 Protons are aligned parallel or anti-parallel in external magnetic field.
RF coil induces same frequency as of precession. Resonance effect All nuclei precess in phase and will go to higher energy state. Relaxation time for different tissues is different; It defines contrast of the image Approximate time for scanning – 30 min

7 APPLICATIONS Can be used to image soft tissues and organs
Widely used to image tumour cells To detect diseases affecting central nervous systems, spine and brain Doesn’t use ionising radiation No after effects DISADVANTAGES Room should be shielded from EM interference Patients with surgical pins, pace makers, etc. cannot undergo MRI Expensive

8 REVIEW Uses magnetism to image soft cells and diagnose diseases
Spin of protons Relaxation time Advantages & Disadvantages



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