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Please get a Chromebook

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Presentation on theme: "Please get a Chromebook"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please get a Chromebook
Welcome! Please get a Chromebook

2 Spend some time looking at the different career clusters. Look at career opportunities in your top career clusters. One your own paper answer the following questions: Were your results accurate? What were your top three career clusters? Pick three careers that interest you: What are they? Growth rate? Education/ training needed? Average salary?

3 Your Task... Pick one of the careers that interests you.
Contact a professional in that field for an interview. Interview can be via , phone call, or in person. Prior to the interview come up with at least 10 questions to ask your person. Your will turn in TYPED questions and answers; and contact information for your person. DUE: Monday February 26th- You will lose points if it is late.

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