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Pīn Yīn Ⅰ Huang, Paoshan.

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Presentation on theme: "Pīn Yīn Ⅰ Huang, Paoshan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pīn Yīn Ⅰ Huang, Paoshan

2 Finals & Initials Finals: a ā á ă à Initials: b m t
b-a-ba m-a-ma t-a-ta bā bá bă bà mā má mă mà tā tá tă tà

3 ā á ă à

4 ā á ă à

5 Finals & Initials Finals: o ō ó ǒ ò Initials: b p w
b-o-bo p-o-po w-o-wo bō bó bǒ bò pō pó pǒ pò wō wó wǒ wò

6 伯伯 bóbo 婆婆 pópo 我 Wǒ

7 Finals & Initials Finals: e ē é ě è Initials: g d g-e-ge d-e-de
gē gé gě gè dé dé dě dè

8 Gē ge 哥 哥 Wǒde gē ge 我的哥哥

9 Finals & Initials Finals: i ī í ǐ ì Initials: d n y sh d-i-di n-i-ni
sh-i-shi y-i-yi dī dí dǐ dì ní nǐ nì shī shí shǐ shì yī yí yǐ yì

10 dìdi 弟弟 āyí 阿姨 Nǐ shì wǒ dìdi. 你是我弟弟 Nǐ shì wǒ āyí. 你是我阿姨

11 Notes When a tone is marked above the vowel “i”, the “·” should be crossed out. When the final “i” forms a syllable by itself or appears at the beginning of a syllable, it is preceded by “y”. When the “i” follows the initials z, c, s, zh, ch, sh, r, It can’t be pronounced “i”, How do you pronounce it? You can pronounce “sh” first without moving the tongue and then keep the sound there. The part without audible friction is [-i].

12 Finals & Initials Finals: u ū ú ŭ ù Initials: z f m g sh
z-u-zu f-u-fu m-u-mu g-u-gu sh-u-shu zū zú zŭ fū fú fŭ fù mú mŭ mù gū gŭ gù shū shú shŭ shù

13 祖母 zŭmŭ 奶奶 năinai 祖父 zŭfù 爺爺 yéye 叔叔 shúshu 姑姑 gūgu

14 Finals & Initials Finals: ü Initials: n l n-ü-nü l-ü-lü

15 女人nǚrén 呂 lǚ 媽媽是女人 Māma shì nǚrén. 那個女人姓呂 Nàge nǚrén xìng lǚ.

16 J, Q, X +Ü J-ü-ju Q-ü-qu X-ü-xu jū jú jù jŭ qū qú qŭ qù xū xú xŭ xù

17 Initials (Consonant)   b    p  m   f   d     t   n   l    g   k      h j q x  zh  ch  sh   r   z   c   s

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