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Demonstrating performance and EU added value John WALSH REGIO Evaluation and European Semester Unit Twitter: @RegioEvaluation ESI FUNDS ESI FUNDS.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrating performance and EU added value John WALSH REGIO Evaluation and European Semester Unit Twitter: @RegioEvaluation ESI FUNDS ESI FUNDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstrating performance and EU added value John WALSH REGIO Evaluation and European Semester Unit ESI FUNDS ESI FUNDS

2 The paradox of measurement
"If you can measure it, you can manage it." - McKinsey … the measurement trap "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted" - Albert Einstein (?)

3 Measuring performance
But still … monitoring is important for different purposes : Programme management Transparency towards stakeholders + Communication (Open Data) Accountability in context of performance Evaluation of policy impacts and contribution Securing a budget post-2020 !!

4 Monitoring must have a purpose and a structure
Embedded in a programme structure and intervention rationale : The specific needs and objectives: what are we trying to change? How will we to measure it: What is the appropriate (proxy) result (impact) indicator? What actions will we finance to contribute best? (Output and outcome indicators)

5 What sort of monitoring data do we have?
Inputs (Euro): Planned amounts by theme Project selection (project pipeline) Expenditure Achievements: Common Indicators (outputs and results) Frequency: At least Annual (or more regularly)

6 Financial implementation: By Fund

7 Financial implementation: EMFF by MS https://cohesiondata. ec. europa

8 EMFF indicators

9 Future challenges Context: Post-2020 MFF, scarce EU resources
Better serving needs and EU objectives: Every Euro counts Finding a better balance between needed information and cost/burden Moving towards a harmonised approach to intervention rationales / indicators across EU / ESIF programmes Finding cross-fund common indicators

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