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ESSnet DataWareHousing

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1 ESSnet DataWareHousing
Stocktaking Pieter Vlag, Viviana di Giorgi, Sonia Queresma

2 Questionnaire Starting Point Data model perspective
Proces model perspective Meta data very important Position of Business Register in system ?? Needs of other NSIs ESSnet DataWareHousing - questionnaire

3 Data model perspective

4 Process model perspective

5 Questionaire : 21 responses (one per country considered); non-respons homogeneously distributed over Europe Many countries mention that “DWH” work is in progress or their system is partially implemented Inconsistencies in the answers, possibly related due to current vs. future situation different perception of used terminology Most countries sent in a ‘common view’, but….. In case of >1 answer per country: answers on questions might differ ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

6 Questionaire Good news ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

7 Motivations for DWH ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire CONCLUSION:
data-integration,datalinking and efficiency are main motivations ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

8 Questionnaire on perspectives
This suggests: “Data model: ~ countries “ Process model” ~ countries “ mix of approaches” ~ countries ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

9 Questionnaire: answers on perspectives II
Two remarks: “ Process model” : 6 countries > one-to-one correspondences : 4 countries if main characteristic of “data model perspectives” = flexibility in output, then most countries (17) have some “data model perspectives”in their system ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

10 Questionnaire: answers on perspectives II
GENERAL IMPRESSION: preferred situation= data model perspective In practice most countries start with a process model approach (and expand it at a later stage) -> “data model” / “process model” perspective description do NOT discriminate between the practices ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

11 Questionnaire: terminology
“data model” & “process model” perspectives were introduced two express that two main motivations may lead to starting a DWH process efficiency more flexible + consistent output However, questionnaire does not reveal a clear dinstinction between these motivations models are not exclusive in practice a mix is used (maybe related to “live phase” of the DWH Proposal: use “data model perspective as ideal situation ? ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

12 Meta data Conclusion: Meta data are considered as important, but are not always integrated in the systems (yet ?) Question: Which metadata to be used in DWH ? ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

13 Conceptual differences II
Apparently differences in approaches ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

14 Conceptual differences: active versus passive
Business register – not integral part Aggregate data surveys Cleaned input Output data Active DWH: processing and storage NOT separated Admin data micro data Active DWH: proccessing steps between storage census Time series Processed data I Processed data II Processed data III ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

15 Conceptual differences III
DWH model/system Active (10) Passive (11) Business Reg. integral part (5) Business Reg. not integral part (5) Business Reg. integral part (5) Business Reg. not integral part (6) No relationship between (considered) active/passive datawarehouse and position of business register (in answers on questionnaire) ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

16 Conceptual differences
CONCLUSION: implicitly, doubts about business case ?????? output side: different statistical requirements are considered as complex ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

17 Conclusions Flexibility in output; data linking and efficiency in process are the main motivations for DWH ? “data model” and “process model” descriptions were helpful for the questionnaire, but should be used differenly in future. Meta data are – indeed – considered as important, and an interesting topic for this ESSnet to work out Two opinions about DWH: - active vs. passive - position of business register both are not linked to each other: but interesting topics for ESSnet to work out Different statistical requirements (=output ?) are considered as complicated and a possibly interesting topic for this ESSnet to work out Data confidentiality hardly mentioned ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

18 Continuation (advice)
Visit countries to obtain the details . Focuss on: - Meta data - active vs. passive position of business register different statistical requirements From SGA-2011provide requirements about these topics. ESSnet DataWareHousing Questionnaire

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