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Club Leaders Training 2018- 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Club Leaders Training 2018- 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Club Leaders Training

2 Community Club Leader Provide oversight for club management team and ensure all members are up to date and following protocol and policies. Attend County Council Meetings and share the results with the club Maintain awareness of County programs and events to share with club. Develop a plan at the beginning of the year- start with a theme and base club meetings on it

3 Community Club Management Team
Club Officer Advisor Assist CCL in developing a plan at the beginning of the year. Maintain regular conversation with County 4-H staff Maintain awareness of County programs and events to share with club. Enrollment Coordinator Ensure enrollments are in order (online) Maintain regular communications with County 4-H admin regarding enrollment updates and protocols. Maintain regular communications with CCL and Project Leaders

4 Community Club Management Team
Incentives and Recognition Coordinator (I & R) Maintain regular communications with CCL and Project Leaders Promote and track Project Proficiencies/ ways to recognize accomplishments and performances Volunteer Coordinator Coordinate Adult Volunteers and Project Leaders Making sure that each step has been completed to be able to participate in the 4-H year: Livescan, Enrollment/Re-enrollment, Training videos and fees. New Member Coordinator New Member/Family contact Maintain regular conversations with County 4-H Staff to keep up to date on new member info. When possible: help find mentor families for new families.

5 Club Program Planning Guide
Use this as a guide to manage all the tasks needed to be completed throughout the year.

6 Revamped Forms!

7 Fundraisers Process for Fundraising Overview
Club President/Project Leader Signatures Club Leader Approval/ Signature Facilities Use Request Form Facility’s proof of Insurance

8 Enrollment Scholarships
Mendocino County 4-H Enrollment Scholarship Application Turn in personally to UCCE Office via appointment with YTD Staff

9 Banner Club Once you complete the terms by end of year, you earn a table banner with the 4-H year embroidered for each time earned.

10 Monthly Breakdown September Enrollments & Re-enrollments
Officer’s Meeting- plan for the first club meeting, make agenda & plan your theme First General Meeting Boonville Fair Send a list of all Club Awards to UCCE Office (End of Year Report): Project Proficiencies 100% Attendance Teen Leader/ Junior Leader Completed record book? Years completed Judge Record Club Books Send Gold Metal record books to UCCE Office

11 October Leader & Officer Meetings- MONTHLY General Meeting- MONTHLY
Complete Club Handbook- include: bi-laws, club information, club events, committees, event planning, Officer’s delegation list, leader roster, member roster, cross clubbing list, code of conduct. Club Halloween Party Community service project- MONTHLY Newsletter- MONTHLY Check in with Office on record book status Community Club Meeting Record Book Notes- MONTHLY Complete and distribute Project Leader packets New Member packets

12 November Club Awards Night New Member reminders Promote Leadership Conferences December Start discussing and planning for Redwood Empire Fair Start informing about Summer Camp & Counselors Club Christmas Party Update Club Bi-laws Promote Presentation Day Check in on club Projects- ensure meetings are occurring and policies are being followed

13 January Promote Extravaganza Promote Cloverdale Fair Presentation Day Workshop February Promote Camp (Early bird enrollment fees) Confirm all market animals for the Redwood Empire Fair and give Livestock Committee a list. March County Presentation Day Receive all Fair ear tags Promote Scholarships to any graduating Seniors

14 April Send list of all Project Participating members to the UCCE Office 1st of April Beef weigh in Club Fun Night Record Book Training May Officer Applications Due Officer Interviews Swine weigh in Summer Camp Forms Fair Booth Committee Fair entry forms

15 Recruit New Leaders and Projects July
June Officer’s meeting: Including current and newly elected Officers Plan the upcoming year’s: Rec projects, special programs, community service projects, club budget, club fundraising, c;ub budget, goals and plans to achieve them. Lamb and Goat weigh in Ukiah Fair Forms Check in on Record Book progress and collect sloppy copies at Club Meeting Recruit New Leaders and Projects July Officers make posters with all projects offered for the new year PROMOTE 4-H Promote Scholarships to any graduating Seniors Leader Meeting and Enrollment Organize Project information

16 August Ukiah Fair Boonville Fair entry forms due Host a Club Enrollment Night(s) Host Orientation Night Begin to verify enrollments and start a roster Assemble New Member packets


18 Current Project Leader Protocol

19 Project Leader Folders
Project Leader Guide Project Leader Curriculum Template Example Project Leader Roster Template Project Leader Checklist Project Member Agreement Youth with Special Needs

20 Know Your Resources 4-H Youth Development Program (YDP) Policy Manual
Other Community Club Leaders Mendocino County 4-H Website- Revamp coming soon! Feedback on what you would like to see on the web page?

21 Tips and Ideas for Successful Meetings
Open Discussion

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