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Partners In Miracles: A Celebration of the Lord of the Harvest!

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2 Partners In Miracles: A Celebration of the Lord of the Harvest!
Mark 6:30-44

3 1. JESUS’ heart is passionately inclusive!
YOU matter to JESUS more than anything else in the universe! JESUS is moved by our need Because lost people matter to God, they ought to matter to us

4 2. JESUS wants to include us in a miracle-producing partnership with Him!
YOU possess the ingredients for a miracle Our response to JESUS’ invitation: “Let them provide for themselves” v. 36 “The need is too great” v. 37 “My resources are too limited to make a difference” v. 38

5 2. JESUS wants to include us in a miracle-producing partnership with Him!
JESUS wants us to trust Him with our relationships and resources “What do you have?” v. 38 small gift X committed to Christ = huge impact!

6 3. JESUS provides abundantly, not only for the people, but also for the partners!
God’s economy is abundance, not scarcity The need supplied always overflows back to us


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