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Behaviors that regulate body temperature

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviors that regulate body temperature"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviors that regulate body temperature

2 Cool down Panting Sweating Hide in shade Water Gular fluttering
With wind chill

3 Evaporative mechanisms
Evaporation- Vaporization of water from a surface Lose water from skin, mouth and nose Panting Sweating Gular fluttering Vibrations that cause air to move back and forward Gular sack of birds

4 shade

5 Conduction Heat transferred between 2 objects in direct contact Water
Ice Digging in sand/dirt Laying spread out

6 Wind chill Convection- heat is transferred through movement of air or water Moves air away from body

7 Warm up Thermogenesis- increasing metabolic heat production Shivering
Rubbing hands Hibernation In sunlight Huddling Puff up feathers Goosebumps Curl up Migration

8 Contract muscles Produce metabolic heat Involuntary or voluntary
Shivering Rubbing hands

9 radiation Transfer of heat from a warmer object to a cooler one by infrared radiation Sunlight

10 Conduction Heat transferred between 2 objects by direct contact

11 Insulation and resistance
Trap a layer of air next to skin High body mass to surface ratio Goosebumps Puff up feathers

12 Curling up Conserve heat Cover nose, paws and ears

13 hibernation Non-shivering thermogenesis- depends on specialized fat tissue (brown fat) - Mitochondria with specialized protein that let them release energy from fuel molecules directly as heat

14 Migration Change of environment

15 Sources physiology/metabolism-and-thermoregulation/a/animal-temperature-regulation- strategies world/2011/10/what%E2%80%99s-the-best-way-to-stay-warm-in-winter.aspx

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