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AfterMATH OF wwii. AfterMATH OF wwii American Reaction Many Americans came to fear “peace” as they thought that the economic progress would end American.

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2 AfterMATH OF wwii

3 American Reaction Many Americans came to fear “peace” as they thought that the economic progress would end American leaders realized they needed to change foreign policy from “isolationism” to “internationalism” GI Bill of Rights: Provided loans, college tuition, and unemployment benefits to returning veterans United Nations: International organization created to promote human rights, economic progress, and peace The UN replaced the League of Nations in June of 1945 and had 50 nations sign the UN Charter

4 2012 UN Member nations Non-member nations: Western sahara Kosovo Taiwan vatican

5 Setting the Standard Four Freedoms: FDR’s outline of basic human freedoms: 1. Freedom of speech/expression 2. Freedom of worship 3. Freedom of want 4. Freedom from fear Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Outlined by the UN the basic human rights: Life Liberty Equality before the law Freedom of religion Freedom of expression Freedom of assembly Geneva Conventions: Series of meetings that defined rules of war concerning the treatment of sick and wounded soliders, POWs, and civilians

6 Post war tension Nuremburg Trials: Prosecuted 22 Nazi leaders of the SS and Gestapo. 12 were found guilty and executed while 7 received prison sentences In Tokyo, 25 leaders were found guilty with 7 being executed including Hideki Tojo Germany was divided up into four Allied occupied zones including the capital of Berlin which was in the Soviet zone Allies occupied Japan by putting Gen. Douglas MacArthur in charge to help guide political and economic reforms Israel: Jewish state established in region of Palestine in Violence between Jewish refugees and Arabs still occurs in the region today


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