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Harmoni-CA initiative

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1 Harmoni-CA initiative
Towards WISE-RTD development Harmoni-CA initiative Kick-off meeting Pilot River Basin Exercise - Phase II Brussels, 4 July 2005 Geo Arnold (Harmoni-CA)

2 Integration of research into GWD development? Example
2006 Directive adoption COM Adoption EAF Gw CIS WFD 6th FWP 5th FWP 2005 Priority 8: BRIDGE [Tailor-made to policy] 2004 2003 2002 2001 BASELINE [scientific success, But no direct support] 2000 1999 1998

3 Improved communication
Links with FP6 FP5 and FP6 projects (Priorities 6-8) WFD SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY Scientific foundation Political agenda Time pressure Policy used as justification Specific research agenda Results accessability INTERFACE NEEDS Increased awareness Improved communication Concerted planning

4 Some results of better interfacing
SSP (Scientific Support to Policies) projects: REBECCA (ecological/chemical status) – SWIFT-WFD (screening monitoring methods) – BRIDGE (groundwater thresholds) etc. Exchange platform among DG RTD and EU Water Initiative Other interactions, e.g. HarmoniCA-initiative, GIS and related RTD projects, links with projects from Priority 6.3 (AQUATERRA, SNOWMAN etc.)

5 Others: Links to WISE Water Information System for Europe (DG ENV, JRC-IES, EEA, Eurostat), aiming at efficiently managing all water-related information at EU level, ensuring coherence between various reporting mechanisms and needs, and providing access to information (including RTD) / data for various purposes and needs

6 Harmoni-CA A concerted action supported by the European Commission under the 5th Framework Programme and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action “Sustainable Management and Quality of Water” DG Research

7 Objectives: To create a forum for: - communication
- information exchange and - harmonising the use and development of methodologies and ICT-tools for integrated river basin management plans (IRBMP) To support a framework for harmonised tools, incl. guidance To stimulate a proper development and use of tools

8 Role of Harmoni-CA: To facilitate specific activities such as:
- identifying and enhancing complementarities between different research projects - disseminating research results, focussing on the project in the EC supported CatchMod modelling cluster 2. To bring together the demand and support for ICT tools and methodologies for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)

9 Harmoni-CA’s initiative and support to PRBs:
Web portal Synthesis reports Supporting other initiatives (Life-projects, Streps/CA) Organising workshops and Conferences

10 HarmoniCA webportal Research offers pilots PRB's WFD Guidances
Data & knowledge offers pilots PRB's WFD Guidances key-issues experiences demands WFD implementation Water managers

11 Research & ICT technology CatchMod projects
Data & knowledge tools pilots PRB's Key-words, tasks WFD Guidances Experiences Guidance texts demands WFD implementation Water managers

12 Information Mapping User entries ICT TOOLS MODELS GUIDANCES







19 Harmoni-CA’s initiative and support to PRBs:
Web portal Synthesis reports Supporting other initiatives (Life-projects, Streps/CA) Organising workshops and Conferences

20 Synthesis reports (objectives):
What is done / available Usability of results / products What is still missing Next steps to be done Recommendations

21 Synthesis reports: topic objectives relevant to projects Databases
Availability, strenght, weaknesses Technical implementation of future EC research HarmoniRiB, Euroharp, WFD reporting N&P tools Create an overview of N&P models in EC research, classify them according to Euroharp benchmark CAP, WFD agricul-ture issues, PRBs Euroharp Data availability, accessibility problems PRB, Monitoring design Tisza, etc.

22 Harmoni-CA’s initiative and support to PRBs:
Web portal Synthesis reports Supporting/facilitating other initiatives (Life-projects, Streps/CA) Organising workshops and Conferences

23 Supporting other initiatives (Life-projects, etc.):
HarmonIT: Developed a new standard Open Modelling Interface (Open MI). One of the key components required to make integrated catchment modelling feasible at an operational level. Life proposal with PRBs (Pinios and Scheldt) New initiative: Supporting PRB managers using the web portal

24 Harmoni-CA’s initiative and support to PRBs:
Web portal Synthesis reports Supporting other initiatives (Life-projects, Streps/CA) Organising workshops and Conferences

25 For more information: Thanks for your attention!

26 Coordination needs FP6, ERA-NET Research funding programmes Research
development PRB, RTD DEVELOPMENT Research use, demonstration DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION LIFE Water policies Research Policy interface Research policy Research Demonstration programmes REVIEW Research progress Research dissemination Research Integration interface INTERREG III HarmoniCA, ‘WISE’

27 Summary of on-going research integration needs
Characteristics of river basin & environmental and economic analysis [2005] – the meal is cooked! Design of monitoring network [2006]: inputs expected from SWIFT-WFD, AQUATERRA, WP2 & WP4 of HarmoniCA (modelling) through the “chemical monitoring” activity of the CIS Public participation [2009] – Links to HarmoniCOP and its successor RBMP [2009] and Programme of measures [2012] – Strong needs to access “technological solutions” and transfer them to policy end users

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