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Week 6 warm ups Intro - What is inertia

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1 Week 6 warm ups Intro - What is inertia
Week 6 warm ups Intro - What is inertia? AP – Write one question you have on the test EQ (Objective) – I will understand what and how to use Newton’s laws of Motion- writing AP (EQ) – I will be taking a test today Agenda – Intro Warm up Anything to turn in Graphing HW – Read pages Complete notes on Friction. Agenda – AP Warm up Anything to turn in Vocabulary Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 HW –

2 Week 6 warm ups Intro - What is equilibrium
Week 6 warm ups Intro - What is equilibrium? AP – Turn The distance – time graph into speed – time graph EQ (Objective) – I will be learning how to graph- writing AP (EQ) – I will be learning how to use vectors for two dimensional motion Agenda – Intro Warm up Anything to turn in Graphing HW – Read pages Complete notes on Friction – Due Friday in Notebook Agenda – AP Warm up Anything to turn in Vocabulary Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 HW – read chapter 3

3 Week 6 warm ups Intro – Explain Newton’s first law of motion AP – What information can vectors tell you about motion EQ (Objective) – I will be demonstrating my understanding of Newton’s first Law - writing - inquiry AP (EQ) – I will be practicing graphing in logger pro to create motion graphs – Writing - inquiry Agenda – Intro Warm up Anything to turn in Newton Lab HW – Read pages Complete notes on Friction – Due Friday in Notebook Agenda – AP Warm up Anything to turn in Walk the line Lab HW – read chapter 3

4 Week 6 warm ups Intro – Explain a normal force AP – How can a graph tell an objects speed
EQ (Objective) – I will be demonstrating my understanding of graphing - writing - inquiry AP (EQ) – I will be practicing graphing in logger pro to create motion graphs – Writing - inquiry Agenda – Intro Warm up Anything to turn in Graphing Activity HW – Read pages Complete notes on Friction – Due Friday in Notebook Agenda – AP Warm up Anything to turn in Walk the line Lab HW – read chapter 3

5 Week 6 warm ups Intro – Explain to make a change in an object AP – How would you graph an object that traveled at a constant speed then stopped EQ (Objective) – I will be demonstrating my understanding of graphing - writing - inquiry AP (EQ) – I will be practicing graphing in logger pro to create motion graphs – Writing - inquiry Agenda – Intro Warm up Anything to turn in Graphing Activity Notebook Check HW – Read pages Complete notes on Friction – Due Friday in Notebook Agenda – AP Warm up Anything to turn in Walk the line Lab Vocabulary Chapter 1 & 2 HW – read chapter 3

6 Table of Contents - Intro
Costas Levels Page #1 Tools of Physics Page #2 Metric Conversions Page #3 What is Science Page #4 Motion Page #5 Graphing Page #6

7 Table of Contents - AP Costas Levels Page #1 Tools of Physics Page #2
Metric Conversions Page #3 What is Science Page #4

8 Explain the procedure to make the map
A copy of your map The index cards used to guide the other students How many reached the finish point Why or why not – Troubleshoot

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