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Date: Jan 12, 2015 W.O.D.: Fitness - The ability to survive and reproduce in a specific environment Question: Which showed greater fitness.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: Jan 12, 2015 W.O.D.: Fitness - The ability to survive and reproduce in a specific environment Question: Which showed greater fitness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: Jan 12, W.O.D.: Fitness - The ability to survive and reproduce in a specific environment Question: Which showed greater fitness near the end of the industrial revolution, the light colored or dark colored moths?

2 Recent Natural Selection of Moths in England

3 Summarize the conclusion of the video:
How has the Clean Air Act reversed the survivial of dark colored peppered moths in England? How does this relate to natural selection? How do you think the species will change in the future? Answer in full paragraph form – use 6-7 sentences.

4 Which of these five ideas do you think Darwin used to support his theory of evolution? Which ideas did he not use? Why? Biogeography Fossil Record Comparative Anatomy Comparative Embryology Molecular Biology (DNA)

5 5 Ideas to Support Evolution:
Biogeography Fossil Record Comparative Anatomy Comparative Embryology Molecular Biology (DNA)

6 Comparative Embryology: Early stages of embryos show similarities.
For each step of guess the embryo, write down on scratch paper which one you think will will.

7 Molecular Biology: Genetic mapping to show DNA connections between organisms.

8 Red Panda: Related to Racoon, Bear or Panda?

9 Galapagos Tortises

10 Natural Selection: The survival of the fittest
Group with 2-3 other students Pick up a lab tray, tupperware of paper dots, and tweezers for each member of your group Make sure the lab tray is lined with white paper Dump the paper dots in the middle of the tray, spreading them out across the white paper Wait for Ms. Johnson’s signal, then use your tweezers to collect as many dots as possible in 10 seconds.

11 Reflection: What other species, besides the peppered moth, do you think have changed over time because of changes to the environment?

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