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Vocabulary Cards Front Side: -Term spelled correctly

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Cards Front Side: -Term spelled correctly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Cards Front Side: -Term spelled correctly
-Illustration: draw an image that best represents the word

2 Vocabulary Cards Backside: -Definition
Original Sentence ( copy the sentence that contains the vocabulary word. -Sentence using the word correctly

3 Vocabulary Cards A sentence using the word correctly means.
-Copy one from the book or other source. -Your own sentence NOT the same as someone else’s

4 Vocabulary Card-Why About 8 words in each set
Almost 200 terms by the end of the year Learning these words will help you do better on ALL of your tests

5 Vocabulary Card Grading
4 Points per card -1 Point for the term on the front -1 Point for the illustration -1 Point for the Definition -1 Point for a copied sentence

6 Vocabulary Cards Students Completing: -Definitions -Sentences

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