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Possible solutions at the EU level within the Animal Health Law

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1 Possible solutions at the EU level within the Animal Health Law
Christian Juliusson, European Parliament 22/06/2016

2 The Animal Health Law (AHL)
Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of 9 March 2016. Law on transmissible animal diseases. Neither an animal health law, nor an animal welfare law, but...

3 Animal welfare matters
...the first law to establish the link between animal health, animal welfare and human health. ”Good animal husbandry” and ”prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines” (Article 10) ”Basic information” to the future pet keeper (Article 11). Competent authorities’ disease prevention and control measures should ”spare the animals concerned any avoidable pain, distress or suffering” (Recital 7).

4 Short background Commission proposal in May 2013, European Parliament first reading in April 2014 (1 300 amendments!). Political agreement in June 2015. Several hot issues, such as: - Stray dogs. - Pet Passport Regulation. - Pet identification and registration.

5 Hot issue I: Stray dogs

6 To keep or not to keep? ”For the purposes of this Regulation, the term ’wild animals’ covers all animals that are not kept by humans, including stray and feral animals, even if they are of species that are normally domesticated” (Recital 19). Disease prevention and control measures to take into account the risk of transmission of diseases to humans (Articles 70 and 82).

7 Registration of pet breeders
Establishments keeping animals should be registered, unless they pose an ”insignificant risk” (Articles 84 and 85). More than insignificant risk = ”the keeping of animals that live in close contact with, or proximity to, humans, such as the breeding of dogs...with the primary aim of their being sold for the purpose of becoming pet animals in households” (Recital 99).

8 Pet Passport Regulation
Hot issue II: Pet Passport Regulation

9 Regulation (EU) 576/2013 ”The Schnellhardt Regulation” of 12 June 2013. Replaced by Part VI of the AHL on 21 April 2026. Empowerments for the Commission, e.g. on the ”five-day-rule” and detailed species-specific means of identification.

10 Pet identification and registration
Hot issue III: Pet identification and registration

11 Computer database for pets?
Member States shall maintain a computer database for the registration and information on cows, sheep and goats, pigs and horses and their movements (Articles 108 and 109). Designed to facilitate the traceability of kept animals, ensure compatibility and be adapted to TRACES. The system could be extended to the species normally kept as pets”where necessary, due to the specific and significant risks posed by those species” (Articles and 118).

12 EP resolution of 25 February 2016
Compatible system for identification and registration of pets across the EU would tackle illegal trade, trace the source of disease outbreaks and address animal welfare concerns. → Called on the Commission to make use of its empowerment in Articles 109 and 118 to create such a system for cats and dogs.

13 Window of opportunity The DG SANTE study and the Vier Pfoten report have identified shortcomings, such as discrepancies in the market data of pets and a lack of ”owner” pages in the Pet Passport. The AHL provides for further requirements, e.g. on: - the model for identification documents, - the exchange of electronic data between Member States, - compatible computerised systems for registration of pets. → Make use of the time until 21 April

14 Thank you for your attention!

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