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Shoalwater Bay PTW Leadership Engagement

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1 Shoalwater Bay PTW Leadership Engagement
4/25/2019 Shoalwater Bay PTW Leadership Engagement

2 Spiritual Emotional Mental Physical Generational Clarity H E A L
4/25/2019 Mental Spiritual Emotional Physical Culture Components of the PTW framework: Mobilizing at the Tribal/Community Level Leadership and Community Engagement Recruit and Retain Partners Specific Outreach to Youth and Elders Engagement of Cultural Resources and Traditional Healers Engagement of Cultural Action Planning Process Use of Storytelling – Balance of Data and Stories 7 Generation Strategies – Strength-based Integrates trauma informed thinking Tools of the PTW Framework: Definition, Vision and Values of the PTW Framework Partnership Development Inventory and Process Community Health Assessments and Environmental Scans Inventory of Cultural Appropriate Strategies Matrix: Vision, Goals, Indicators, Strategies (including PSE, EB, PB, PP) 18 Competence Domains (knowledge, skills, and abilities) Co-designed by Tribal Leadership Advisory Council. Our Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are all interrelated. Culture is position as key component; interwoven in all aspects of health. Components of the framework: Mobilizing at the Tribal/Community level Leadership Engagement Engagement of Youth and Elders Recruit and Retain Partners Action Planning Process Storytelling – balance of data and stories. 7 Generation Strategies – strength based Definition, vision and values of the PTW framework Community health assessments and environmental scans Inventory Cultural appropriate strategies Matrix: Vision, Goals, indicators, strategies, PSE, EB, PB, PP 18 Key Competencies Generational Clarity H E A L Historical Trauma, Ongoing Discrimination, & Racism Equity and Social Determinants of Health Adverse Childhood Experiences (NEAR) Lateral Violence and oppression

3 Shoalwater Bay Tribal Youth Engagement
4/25/2019 Shoalwater Bay Tribal Youth Engagement

4 R Shoalwater Bay Tribal Youth Engagement
4/25/2019 Shoalwater Bay Tribal Youth Engagement Personal, Environmental, and Policy - Change R Personal Don’t support/don’t buy for others Think of alternatives: like smoothies Choose to hang out with people who don’t use Avoid peer pressure Influence cousins to not smoke/start Environmental Education about dangers of tobacco (pre-school, K-12, Youth Adults, Pregnant Support people who are trying to quit-it’s hard No smoking around kids (playgrounds, ball parks, etc) Policy Leadership should be an example Develop policy that designated smoking areas must be utilized and enforce it Make commercial tobacco illegal Increase age to purchase (elder, 26, 21) Make a penalty for people that supply under age (prison, fine) Restrict access to commercial tobacco products in retail settings POLICY Tribal Resolutions, ordnances (city, county, state, federal) ENVIRONMENTAL Community spaces, parks, ball fields, etc. PERSONAL Self, family, friends, social networks

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