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Protostomes and the Parasitic Lifestyle

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Presentation on theme: "Protostomes and the Parasitic Lifestyle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protostomes and the Parasitic Lifestyle

2 Main Phyla of Animal Parasites
Phylum Endoparasite Ectoparasite Annelida X Arthropoda Nematoda Nematomorpha Platyhelminthes Synderma Vertebrata

3 Types of Symbiosis Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism

4 Life Cycle Many (e.g. most arthropod parasites) have single hosts.
Some, like most flatworms, have complex life cycles with multiple hosts. The host in which sexual reproduction occurs is called the primary host. Other hosts in which asexual multiplication occurs are called intermediate hosts.

5 Annelid Parasites Leeches: These mainly are ectoparasites though some are predators. Mainly freshwater and mostly feed on fish and turtles.

6 Arthropod Parasites: Mites/Ticks
Mainly ectoparasites.

7 Arthropod Parasites: Insects
Human Body Louse Biting Bird Louse

8 Arthropod Parasites: Crustacea
Cymothoa exigua Sacculina carcini

9 Nematode Parasites: Single Host
Ascaris lumbricoides Necator americanus

10 Nematode Parasites: Multiple Hosts
Filarial Worm: Wuchereria bancrofti Guinea Worm: Dracunculus medinensis

11 Nematomorph Parasites: Horsehair Worm

12 Platyhelmenth Parasites: Tapeworms
Taenia solium Diphylobothrium latum

13 Platyhelminth Parasites: Flukes
Fasciola hepatica Schistosoma

14 Spiny-Headed Worm Parasites
Macrocanthorhynchus hirudinaceous


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