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AIM: Was the Mexican War in the National Interest?

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1 AIM: Was the Mexican War in the National Interest?
U.S. Expansion Westward AIM: Was the Mexican War in the National Interest?

2 “It was the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to over spread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying” John L. Sullivan 1845


4 I. The Mexican War Arguments Supporting Arguments Opposing

5 A. Wilmot Proviso

6 B. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848
a.Rio Grande named southern border. b. Mexican Cession for $15 million c. New States

7 C. Gadsen Purchase 1853 $10 million Wanted to build a southern RR


9 II. Impact A. Identity: How did a belief in white racial superiority and a sense of American cultural superiority affect Manifest Destiny?

10 What political debates emerged as new territory in the West was acquired?

11 How was the environment transformed as a result of westward migration?

12 How did expansion westward impact U.S. foreign policy?

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