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Use of Real-Time Simulation in the Caithness-Moray HVDC Transmission Project Dr. Oluwole Daniel Adeuyi 10th April 2019 Keynote Presentation at the 4th.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Real-Time Simulation in the Caithness-Moray HVDC Transmission Project Dr. Oluwole Daniel Adeuyi 10th April 2019 Keynote Presentation at the 4th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of Real-Time Simulation in the Caithness-Moray HVDC Transmission Project Dr. Oluwole Daniel Adeuyi 10th April Keynote Presentation at the 4th Nigeria Energy Forum, Lagos.

2 Contents Development of HVDC in Great Britain
Drivers for Caithness-Moray (CM) HVDC Transmission Project CM Multi-terminal HVDC Design Use of Real-Time Simulation with HVDC Replica Controls Summary

3 Electricity Transmission in Great Britain

4 Development of HVDC Links in Great Britain
2018 2019 2027 Interconnectors: Cross Channel (IFA) Moyle BritNed EWIC New Island Links Shetland Western Isles New Embedded Links Eastern Link 1 Eastern Link 2 New Interconnectors ElecLink NSL Aquind Viking GreenLink NorthConnect IFA2 New Offshore Wind Connections Dogger Bank Hornsea Norfolk Vanguard New Interconnector: Nemo New Embedded Links: Caithness – Moray Western Link 4 GW Total Installed HVDC Capacity 8 GW Total Installed HVDC Capacity The National HVDC Centre is an Ofgem-funded simulation facility available to support HVDC schemes in GB. The Centre used real-time simulation with replica controls to support the Caithness-Moray HVDC Project. > 16 GW Total Installed HVDC Capacity

5 Increasing Wind Generation in GB
Multiple vendors and different technologies Adverse interactions (HVDC Schemes, FACTS and Generators) Challenges: Multi-terminal HVDC Extension HVDC based on voltage source converters is best technical solution Background: Reason: Increasing onshore wind generation capacity in North of Scotland Often in areas where electricity network is limited & weak Wind Generation: UK Installed Wind Capacity (MW) Onshore: MW Offshore: 7000 MW Scotland Installed Wind Capacity (MW) Onshore: 7500 MW Offshore: 246 MW North of Scotland Installed Wind Capacity (MW) Onshore: 748 MW UK Installed Wind Capacity in 2017

6 Caithness-Moray (CM) HVDC Link
B0 B0 Phase 1 is a point-to-point HVDC link between Spittal (in Caithness) and Blackhillock (in Moray). Key Considerations: CM HVDC link increased B0 boundary capability from 250MW to 1000MW. HVAC option was slightly more expensive and had a number consenting issues. Extremely Weak AC network in Spittal & Embedded HVDC with parallel HVAC circuits sets operational challenges. Voltage source converters (VSC) technology offered black-start capability. Symmetrical monopole configuration allows standard AC transformer use & operation during temporary faults. National Grid Electricity Ten Year Statement 2018 Configuration of Caithness-Moray HVDC Link

7 Multi-Terminal HVDC Design
VSC technology was best option for 5-terminal design with multiple offshore HVDC converter option. VSC technology attractive due to: 4-quadrant PQ operation & power reversal achieved without change of voltage polarity. Operational capability with low AC short-circuit strength than line-commutated converters. Reduced converter size compared to other technologies. Potential for HVDC multi-terminal extension to islanded AC networks increases project risks. 5-terminal design for Caithness-Moray-Shetland HVDC Project

8 The National HVDC Centre
Real-Time Simulator Meets Replica Control The National HVDC Centre Measured Voltage and Current Analogue signals Firing Pulses (Digital Signal) Replica HVDC Control Real-Time Simulator Operator Work Station Start up / shut down Change control mode Change set points etc Real-time Simulator Runtime Interface Apply network faults Change generation dispatch etc

9 Re-run System Tests on Extensive AC Network
Simplified North of Scotland Network Modelled using RTS Modelled North of Scotland AC Network in Real-time Simulation. Tested response of Spittal converter station to AC faults on 275kV & 132kV circuits. Demonstrated effectiveness of extremely weak grid control at Spittal converter station. Validated emergency power control function for preventing voltage instability at Spittal.

10 Verify HVDC Control Functions & Upgrades
Test System Status Signal North of Beauly (SSSNoB) Detects discontinuity on 275kV AC double circuit and bus bar. Identifies low fault levels & trigger HVDC control transition to Extremely Weak Grid mode. Test Emergency Power Control (EPC) Detects power overload on Spittal 132kV AC circuits. Initiate fast power run- back/ramp-up to prevent voltage instability. 38 Cells at Blachillock; & 37 Cells at Spittal EPC Target time 30 ms. SSSNoB: ms. Simplified Diagram showing signal transmission between RTS & Replicas

11 Operator Training & Commissioning Support
Control Room Operator Training Operational Support In-House Training Respond to Network Changes Diagnose Faults/Alarms Testing Updates/ Upgrades Long-term Model Commissioning Support Commissioning Support Cycle Typical Field Measurements

12 Conclusions Real-time simulation with replica HVDC controls is used on Caithness Moray HVDC project for system testing, control verification & commissioning support. Owners of HVDC schemes and Transmission system operators require Replica controls and real-time simulators for testing system stability, operator training & minimizing project risks. HVDC schemes supplied by different manufacturers MUST provide replica controls for interoperability testing & de-risking future multi- terminal extensions.

13 Thank you!

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