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Welcome Opening Prayer Overview

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1 Welcome Opening Prayer Overview
Back to School Night ~ 2016 Welcome Opening Prayer Overview

2 Theme for 2016-2017 Great beginning
Be the Change by taking PRIDE in all you do - Perseverance Respect Integrity Discipline Effort

3 Catholicity Prayer at start of each class
Introduction of Prayer at end of lunch: “We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits which we have received through Christ, Our Lord Amen” Act of Contrition: Prayed together as a school community at end of day Prayer Services during Advent and Lent

4 New Teachers and Staff Members
Mr. Cangro: Middle School Math Mrs. Murphy: Spanish Grades 4-8 Mrs. Calpin: 3’s Program 5 Half Days Mrs. Judy Pegno: TA in Little Learners Mrs. Pat Rossello: TA in Little Learners

5 Academic Intervention Services
Mrs. Mucciolo: AIS Reading/Math Grades K-5 Support with State test prep for Grade 4 Will work with small groups of students to support them with reading and math

6 Summer Work Peter’s Pence New home of our 2’s program School Store
Swap Shop

7 LUNCH Time 1 lunch period continued this year
Grades 6,7 & 8 will have recess while Grades K,1,2,3, 4 & 5 will eat; then for the 2nd part of the period the grades will switch Allergy free table

8 Academics State Assessments Unsatisfactory performance
Working with the Diocesan Department of Education to strengthen curriculum and develop PD opportunities Grade 4 – Block schedule for ELA and Math; allows for extra periods of each Grade 5 – AIS Push in; extra support for students

9 Academics Grades 6-8 – Math Lab; extra period of Math Benchmarking
Grades K-5 Reading A-Z Students will have access at school and at home to the online books and questions

10 Technology Update Google Classroom
Purchase of 43 Chromebooks for Middle School students Students will have their own individual Chromebook for use here at school; will be assigned Google Classroom Grades 4-8 have been assigned usernames and passwords for Google Teachers and students have ability to use Google Classroom to collaborate on a variety of assignments; Grade 5 will be using for Kidsday access work saved to Google Drive from any computer

11 Technology School Messenger (formerly Sharp School) –school website; in the process of redesigning homepage; please check webpage regularly for important school information Grade Book – please utilize

12 Safety Drills 8 Fire Drills during first trimester Lockdown & Lockout
Notification to parents with School Messenger and school home page 4 Lockdown Drills must be conducted each year with 2 conducted by December Will be working closely with Port Washington Police Department and teachers to update school safety procedures

13 Extra Curricular Activities
Band – Paul Effman Many enrichment activities available after school Middle School Sports Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Baseball

14 Introduction of Teachers
Mrs. Carter Mrs. Dercola Mrs. Smith Mrs. Sperrazza Ms. Kennedy Mrs. Lehmuller Ms. Oko Mrs. Serpico Mrs. Cosentino Mr. Cangro Mr. Chang Mrs. Saar Mrs. Murphy Mrs. Kennedy Mrs. Mucciolo

15 School Celebration 2017 Saturday, March 25th – North Hempstead Country Club Honoree – Class of 1977 Sponsored by School Board and PTO

16 School Board & Parents’ Club
School Board President Mr. Nawojchik – President PTO President Mrs. Hertlein Gift Card Program: A “no cost” fundraiser; encourage every family to participate

17 Tonight’s schedule Parents will begin in their child/ren homeroom
There will be five 15 minute presentations to allow parents to see multiple teachers

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