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Hitler and Nazi Germany

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1 Hitler and Nazi Germany
State Standard W.43 Analyze the assumption of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany and the resulting acts of oppression and aggression of the Nazi regime. F. What was the basis of Hitler’s ideas? G. How did Hitler build a Nazi state?

2 F. What was the basis of Hitler’s ideas?
After serving in World War I and failure in other career ventures, Hitler joined the little known German Worker’s Party in 1919. By 1921, Hitler had elevated himself to leader of the party, increasing it’s militia size to 15,000. The Party was renamed the Nazi party, which was a shortened term for the Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party. Hitler staged an armed uprising against Munich in 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch), and failed miserably. Hitler was sentenced to prison, where he wrote his book Mein Kampf.

3 F. What was the basis of Hitler’s ideas?
Mein Kampf – My Struggle Hitler uses Social Darwinism to support his ideas of anti-Semitism (hostility toward Jews) and racism. Superior nations and people should have a right to Lebensraum, or living space to increase access to resources and trade (reasoning for invasion of surrounding countries. By preaching this, Hitler created ultra nationalism within Germany, leading many within the country to feel that they were a superior race.

4 F. What was the basis of Hitler’s ideas?
While in prison, Hitler realized the Nazis would have to obtain power legally, and compete for voters. After prison, Hitler had increased the following of the Nazi party to 800,000 members by 1929. Hitler’s promise of economic relief (depression) and militarism appealed to many Germans.

5 G. How did Hitler build a Nazi state?
President Hindenburg Reichstag – weak German parliament that voted to allow Hitler leadership (pressured by nobility) to lead Germany to prominence. Enabling Act (1933) – law that gave German government the power to ignore it’s constitution for 4 years while it issued laws to deal with Germany’s problems (depression, etc.). The Enabling Act is what gives Hitler and legal basis to do what he does later on (next slide).

6 G. How did Hitler build a Nazi state?
Now that the Nazi party is the sole decision making party in Germany: All political parties other than Nazi are abolished including the office of president after Hindenburg dies in 1934. Concentration Camps are established for those who oppose Hitler and non-Aryans, specifically Jews. Nuremburg party rallies took place every September to evoke mass enthusiasm and excitement about where Germany was headed. The Schutzstaffeln (SS) was created initially as Hitler’s bodyguards but morphed into a secret police led by Heinrich Himmler that sought to evoke terror and ideology on the people. The final goal: further the “Aryan master race”. Militarize and create more industrial jobs – Hitler takes credit for ending the German depression.

7 G. How did Hitler build a Nazi state?
Timeline for Jews (Anti-Semiticism) At the September 1935 Nuremburg rally, Hitler laid the foundation for who would be considered a Jew and forbade the marriage of Jews and Germans. Jews were required to wear the yellow star of David. November 9, 1938 – Kristallnacht (night of shattered glass) Nazis destroyed Jewish synagogues 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed 30,000 male Jews were sent to concentration camps Jews were banned from using public transportation, schools, and hospitals Jews were prohibited from owning, managing, or working in retail stores The SS encouraged Jews to emigrate from Germany

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