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Learning for a Better Future Week NINE

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Presentation on theme: "Learning for a Better Future Week NINE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning for a Better Future Week NINE
Programs at Mt. SAC Learning for a Better Future Week NINE College Catalogs, Noncredit Certificate, VESL Ed. Plans, Catalog Search

2 Agenda Looking at Certificates, Associate Degrees, and Transfer Programs College Catalog Think about your plans after this class VESL Educational Plan Mid Point 2 – In class evaluation

3 Gotchya - Grab the Finger
Ice Breaker Gotchya - Grab the Finger Everyone must stand up and get in a circle Left hand with palm up Right hand with index finger down on the other person’s palm Listen for the key word Whey you hear the key word, try to grab the person’s finger without your finger being grabbed

4 Mt. SAC College Catalog Look at the Mt. SAC College Catalog
Complete the Mt. SAC Catalog Search Worksheet As you are working on worksheet, the professor will call you one by one and check your portfolio and your Educational Plan for VESL Students Workbook – page 83

5 Getting in the Door So, what’s next? What’s after VESL for you?
Complete the VESL Educational Plan Handout

6 VESL Certificate Program

7 VESL Educational Plan Before you complete the VESL Program, you will be required to fully complete the VESL Educational Plan You will have several opportunities to revised your plan before the semester ends Handout



10 Mid-Point Evaluation Class evaluation
Tell me what you think of this class so far What else do you want to learn before the semester is over Provide any questions or comments

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