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Weather Part 3 Lesson 63.

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1 Weather Part 3 Lesson 63

2 Activator Answer the questions in your science notebook
Answer the questions in your science notebook Why do we have fair weather with high pressure? Why do we have stormy weather with low pressure?

3 High Air Pressure Sinking of cool air
Air sinks because of the increases pressure Rotates clockwise High Air Pressure

4 Low Pressure Warm air from the air rises
Warm air rises and cools  Creates condensation Rotates counter-clockwise

5 Air Pressure Summary High Air Pressure brings good weather because the high pressure causes the sinking of cool air down to the ground. This creates dry and cool days Low Air Pressure brings stormy weather because the low pressure causes the warm air from the ground to rise. When the warm air rises it cools and creates condensation in the clouds which will lead to rain.

6 Precipitation Any form of liquid or solid water particles that fall from the atmosphere and reach the surface of the Earth. Rain, Sleet, Snow, Hail

7 Classwork
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