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Understanding Yourself And Leading People

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Yourself And Leading People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Yourself And Leading People
Prefect Training

2 The Animal Story Once upon a time . . .



5 Yikes!


7 What’s the message of the story?

8 What were they designed to do?
Flying Running Swimming Climbing

9 We do well when we:. Know our strengths and weaknesses
We do well when we: * Know our strengths and weaknesses * Work with others to accomplish a goal * Bring our unique strengths to the team * Be ourselves and not someone else

10 What Determines My Personality?

11 Fast Pace Task People Priority The Task personality is focussed on getting things done The People personality is focussed on hanging out with people Slow

12 Priority is my internal compass (steering wheel)
Pace is my internal motor (accelerator) Priority is my internal compass (steering wheel)

13 Pace and Priority Can Cause Conflict Between People:
vs Task Focussed People Focussed

14 How do Pace and Priority Create My Personality Type?

15 D I C S Fast Task People Slow Pace Priority Directive Determined
Interactive Influencing D I Task People Priority C S Corrective Conscientious Supportive Soft-hearted Slow

16 How Can I Discover My Personality Type?



19 Interactive Influencing D I C S

20 What is the Difference Between the Four Personality Types?

21 Interactive Influencing D I C S

22 How Do I Lead With My Personality Type?


24 What Are My Personality Types Weaknesses?

25 The Lion: Abuse position, set too high standards, speaks harshly, takes on too much too fast.
The Otter: Inattention to detail, unrealistic views of people, trusts too easily. The Retriever: Gives in to stop conflict, battles to set priorities, dislikes change. The Beaver: Defensive when criticised, gets bogged down in details, too intense, too cool.

26 How Do Great Leaders Relate to People?

27 Moses the Beaver Paul the Lion

28 Mary the Retriever Martha the Lion

29 How Do We Identify The Personality Type of People We Are Leading?

30 (1) Are They Fast or Slow Paced?

31 (2) Are They Task or People Focussed?
Fast Pace Task People Priority Slow (2) Are They Task or People Focussed?

32 (3) Which Quadrant Do They Fall Into?
Fast Pace Task People Priority Slow (3) Which Quadrant Do They Fall Into?

33 (4) What is their Personality Type?
Fast Pace Lion Otter Task People Priority Beaver Retriever Slow (4) What is their Personality Type?

34 Some Deeper Insights into Personality Types


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