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CIS WG D meeting 28-29 September 2011 DG ENV, Brussels

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Presentation on theme: "CIS WG D meeting 28-29 September 2011 DG ENV, Brussels"— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS WG D meeting 28-29 September 2011 DG ENV, Brussels Update on streamlining process - comparative analysis E-PRTR and UWWTD Agenda 6.b Bo N. Jacobsen EEA

2 Data streamlining and comparative analyses within WISE - examples
Eurostat EEA WFD Eurostat questionnaires SoE emissions water quantity E-PRTR UWWTD Dis-aggregated aggregated Sum National database

3 Some good comparisons BE DE
Note: E-PRTR 2009 UWWTD 2007/2008 Source: 2011 PRTR country review reports (ETC/ACM)

4 Some very big differences
Source: 2011 PRTR country review reports (ETC/ACM) EE ES CZ IT PL

5 Follow up countries with big differences between reported emissions for same facilities should check for potential errors Wrong units Different methodologies as part of QA and commenting on the E-PRTR treporting

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