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a non-comprehensive list!

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Presentation on theme: "a non-comprehensive list!"— Presentation transcript:

1 a non-comprehensive list!
Schemes of work for use at KS2: a non-comprehensive list!

2 Free QCA units as featured in Durham Scheme; original units available here Lightbulb Languages Culturethèque (French only) Rachel Hawkes (Spanish only) Interesting support document especially for gifted and talented pupils

3 One-off payment Skoldo North Tyneside Scheme of Work Catherine Cheater Scheme of work Ilanguages from £199+VAT La Jolie Ronde LCP CGP Primary Languages Network (Janet Lloyd) £200 all inclusive Euro Stars Rigolo

4 Subscription Language Angels £199+VAT per year; free trial Languagenut £333 per year; free trial Speekee (Spanish only) from £119 per year

5 Extra: free resources and essential links!
If on Facebook: join “Languages in Primary Schools” if not in the group already and do a search for “schemes of work”to read people’s comments; also join “Teaching Languages in the North East” please! ALL primary resources Do YOU know of any more we need to add to this list to make is more comprehensive?

6 Coming up in Durham: UK Lingua, a local MFL conference
Coming up in Durham: UK Lingua, a local MFL conference! 22nd and 23rd April; 2-day conference, £50.

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