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Opening Statement SLIDE #4 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE #5
TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE #4 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE #5 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE #6 Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE #7 Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE #8 Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE #9 Intro. presentation topics: Getting involved, gaining skills, meeting new people/a community of leaders, finding your niche
Values in Action Strengths
Signature Strengths Includer Communication WOO Positivity Belief Values in Action Strengths Fairness Honesty Perseverance Love Teamwork M Selling point: Why they should be involved in the Minor/our programs? Our graduating seniors had a 3.63 GPA. You can be involved and have a fantastic GPA. Half were also in Honor’s and/or Greek Life. It’s about being in a community of people who want to make a difference – it’s about support and knowing the people to help you get want you want accomplished – starting TODAY! 3
OPENING STATEMENT What I have learned about my type of Leadership through this class is that I lead through communication. When I am speaking I am being heard, and when I listen I listen with the intent to respond, whether through words or actions. Great things to be able to answer by the time you get ready for interviews…these are the things that people come to college for! Gain REAL experience in order to lead in your field of study! 4
SECTION 1 SELF LEADERSHIP #15 Student will describe personal leadership style and/or personality style including strengths and weaknesses and examples of application (Sources = Leadership style inventories, the L.P.I., StrengthsQuest, Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP, and other career inventories, etc.) I took my strengths test on ( and I was shocked to see how accurate my top five strengths were. Includer shows that I cant have anyone left out and they need to be taking part in what the group is doing. Communication is the core of any group because without it there is no foundation and nobody knows what is going on. WOO is my love of relationship building. I feel as though that I need to have a strong and confident relationship with a person that I associate myself with in order to trust them and for them to trust me. Positivity is one of my favorites because it shows that I don’t get down easy. I see the best in every situation and I like to shine that on others to let them know its alright and to be happy. Finally, Belief is my confidence in others in what they are doing and I believe that they will get the job done and they will do it right, even if they don’t believe in themselves. The are both academic and co-curricular opportunities. 5
Leadership Theory and Models
SECTION 2 Leadership Theory and Models #26 Student will show knowledge of the “Servant Leadership” theory of leadership by Greenleaf One of the last theories that we learned in FLITE was the Servant Leadership Theory. We learned that a servant leader is a servant first. When we serve first we inspire others to do the same. Within this theory there are ten characteristics that play through it, the characteristics of listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. Now as leaders we all lead differently, by saying this we all focus on different characteristics of servant leadership, but using one characteristic you create a domino affect of working with the other characteristics, In the Leadership packet it shows a graph of characteristic breakout. It splits up the servant and leader parts and shows that when they come together you are able to accomplish what your main purpose, as a servant leader is your work toward the people. The are both academic and co-curricular opportunities. 6
Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership
SECTION 3 Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership # 80 Student will show knowledge of effective leadership as it relates to change agency I gain the knowledge of Change Agency through the lesson from my HDF 190 class through the social change model. The value of change is placed into three parts and they are that a change agent should understand, have, and demonstrate. Through this process you learn that change is a process, a process of transitioning from a comfort level that you have been so use to into showing that changing can be a great thing for the better. It doesn’t ask you to completely change yourself it asks you to change how you look at things in a different light. The are both academic and co-curricular opportunities. 7
(Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills )
SECTION 5 (Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) # 105 Student will demonstrate knowledge of facilitation and de-briefing techniques As part of my learning contract for HDF 190 I am taking part in the group organization of SOLC. In this group we organize and facilitate retreats for different organizations on campus to help with their communication and teamwork skills. As Facilitators we give the group of individuals a task to perform and then once the task is done we debrief on that specific task. We ask a series of questions to the group to make them think deeply to see how they could take what came out of this task into the group and the real world. After the retreat we as facilitators debrief ourselves on the overall performance of the retreat and we notice the pros and cons that came out of this retreat and how we can improve on these pros and cons. We use these critiques not only to help ourselves but also to help the entire organization to better the groups we are facilitating. In HDF 190 we are learning different forms of leadership that will help us in a group setting, whether we are a part of the group or facilitating it. The are both academic and co-curricular opportunities. 8
(Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills )
SECTION 5 (Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) # 112 Student will show knowledge of techniques for working with difficult people I feel as though in any group that you are in we are gong to be dealing with difficult people. I am not saying difficult as in they are being a pain but how they go at the situation. One person may feel that the process should be performed one way and another person feels differently. This is where collaboration comes into play. There has to be some sort of buffer that both parties are willing to compromise on, because we are all trying to accomplish one common goal and we want to do in right. In SOLC every meeting we perform a task as a group. In the group there are different ideas being tossed around and each one of them is heard. Some may not agree with others but knowing that we are a team and there will be a lot of trail and error. This is all part of the process and it is something that we accept. With the trail and error we see what needs improvement and possibly there is something that there are two different possibilities that could work to help. When facilitating there is a different scenario when one of the groups might of misheard the directions, or misunderstand, or it could be my fault on how I explain and they could be having a poor time with the task at hand. This is when we need to regroup and discuss how things need to get done. In HDF 190 we are split up into groups in which we will perform a project and in this group we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Is it difficult to deal with these weaknesses, yes, but that is the glory of it. You begin to collaborate off of this to see what will work. The are both academic and co-curricular opportunities. 9
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