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JFSQ – Data dissemination as identified by the 2018 survey

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1 JFSQ – Data dissemination as identified by the 2018 survey
Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry FEB 2018

2 Survey on sources and uses of the JFSQ run until 8 FEB 2018
Population: JFSQ country correspondents Number of respondents: 22 Of these, 14 use JFSQ data in publications

3 How are JFSQ data published?
Published as indicators combined with economic data Used for other collections, such as Material Flow Accounts or carbon reporting Published as such Product export or import prices are published Eurostat's JFSQ data are re-published

4 Examples of publications using JFSQ data: Portugal
JFSQ databases are used to publish and disseminate information about the PORTUGUESE forest sector; examples are on I. Within the page “Importância económica” on the links: II. Also within the scope of the Portuguese implementation of the timber regulation (EUTR) the reports produced periodically have a characterization of Portuguese timber and timber products imports, which compilation is based on the JFSQ database, and later disseminated on the link:

5 Examples of publications using JFSQ data
- Austria: published as indicators combined with economic data: - UK: Data used to compile JFSQ returns is also used to produce statistics on wood production and trade in: UK Wood Production and Trade (provisional figures) - Forestry Statistics and Forestry Facts & Figures - Some data also used in sub-national reporting of forestry indicators. - Germany: we use JFSQ data (mainly from FAOStat) for various presentations, for university lectures and comparable other tasks. Also for further analyses of the forest products market.

6 Examples of publications using JFSQ data
- Croatia: - Finland: We do not publish JFSQ data as such, but partly they are used in carbon reporting, and when needed, we use the data for other international reporting processes. We publish the trade data on forest products, but for our national purposes aggregations may differ from those of the JFSQ. - Romania:

7 Examples of publications using JFSQ data: Poland
The data is used for analyses according to the order of the client: mainly ministries, government agencies, chambers and associations of producers and wood companies. Also in national and international research projects. Examples of publications: E. Ratajczak, A. Szostak, G. Bidzińska, Consumption of wood materials in the economy, Publisher of Wood Technology Institute, Poznan 2006 E. Ratajczak, Forest and wood sector in the green economy, Publisher of Wood Technology Institute, Poznan 2013 Innovation of the wood sector in Poland, Publisher of Wood Technology Institute, Poznan Poland Statement on the wood market review and prospects,

8 Examples of publications using JFSQ data
- France: see p. 90 "Récolte de bois et production de sciages dans l’Union européenne" - Hungary: - Lithuania: Table 10.2

9 Thank you for your attention!

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