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AVID Standard 2.8 Refine oral language skills

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1 AVID Standard 2.8 Refine oral language skills
Philosophical Chairs AVID Standard 2.8 Refine oral language skills

2 Philosophical Chairs? A format for classroom discussion of controversial issues Similar to a debate

3 The Set-up

4 Directions A controversial statement is made
The class is divided based on whether students agree or disagree A neutral mediator stands in between the groups Calls on sides to speak Can limit time Makes sure everyone who wants to speak has the opportunity Can call on anyone at anytime to speak. Be prepared!

5 Directions (Continued)
Students can move from side to side as their opinions change Students fill out and evaluation sheet at the end of the period

6 Rules You must choose a side Listen while others speak
Wait for the mediator to call on you to speak Summarize the previous speaker’s argument before you respond. If you have already spoken, wait for three other people on your side to speak before you speak again.

7 Rules (Continued) Address ideas, not the person stating the ideas
Keep an open mind. You may move to the other side if you feel someone has made a good argument or your opinion swayed.

8 Topics

9 Topics (Continued)

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