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REGIONE DELL’UMBRIA Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV Workshop Groundwater characterisation Presentation of National Case study THE  GROUNDWATER EXPERIENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "REGIONE DELL’UMBRIA Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV Workshop Groundwater characterisation Presentation of National Case study THE  GROUNDWATER EXPERIENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGIONE DELL’UMBRIA Brussels, Oct DG ENV Workshop Groundwater characterisation Presentation of National Case study THE  GROUNDWATER EXPERIENCE IN UMBRIA REGION (ITALY) AND THE PRISMAS PROJECT Angiolo Martinelli Environment Protection Agency of Umbria

2 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
FIRST STUDIES Several studies investigated the aquifers of Umbria in the last 30 years, defining geometry, hydro-dynamic conditions and relations between different water bodies, natural chemical equilibrium and anthropic pressures Four principal steps were developed: : First characterisation of the alluvial aquifers for groundwater management and drinking water supply : Studies and flow model in Valle Umbra : Regional study on the calcareous and volcanic aquifers and localised groundwater exploration ( ) : Hydro-geologic studies on groundwater protection ( National Group of Defence from the Hydro-geologic Disasters) Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

3 Characters and location of the main aquifers
UMBRIA REGION Central Italy, ab km2 Alluvial aquifers gravel,sands, silty sands and clays Thickness from 30 to > 100 m. Carbonate aquifers fractured limestones and dolostones Large infiltration areas, few linear and located springs discharging most of the groundwater flow Volcanic aquifer Tuffs and lavas Thickness from 100 to > 300 m Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

4 The approach to the alluvial aquifers (1974-5)
BASIC CHARACTERISATION Wells and springs census, with in field measurement of discharge rate, water level and salinity (6 aquifers, of about 800 km2 , 1300 water points, 100 stratigraphy) Geophysical survey with 850 SEV of m of length, resistivity maps and profiles Drilling of 14 test wells in the most favourable sites, logs and hydro-dynamic tests Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

5 Studies and flow model in Valle Umbra (1983-6)
MORE STRUCTURED APPROACH New study for the characterisation of southern part of the valley (Wells census, geo-physic survey..) Monitoring network of 54 wells on phreatic and artesian aquifer (central part), and on the principal rivers (8 stations) Spatial definition of the hydrologic and hydro-geologic parameters Flow simulation according to the regional uptake plan (irrigation, industrial use and drinking water) Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

6 Regional study on the calcareous and volcanic aquifers
7 calcareous aquifer Valnerina km2 Av. discharge rate 23 m3/s (3 wells) Umbria N-E km2 Av. discharge rate 11.6 m3/s (3 wells) Martani Mts km2 Av. discharge rate 4 m3/s (2 wells) Narni-A. Mts km2 Av. discharge rate 5.5 m3/s (2 wells) Subasio Mt km2 Av. discharge rate 0.8 m3/s Tezio-M. Mts km2 Av. discharge rate 0.8 m3/s Gubbio Mts km2 Av. discharge rate 0.25 m3/s (3 wells) 1 volcanic aquifer Vulsinian area 500 km2 Av. discharge rate 0.8 m3/s (3 wells) (umbrian sector) Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

7 Results in calcareous and volcanic aquifers
Best developed later by Tiber RB Aut. Structural model of alluvial valley and calcareous structures Detailed hydro-geologic profiles Quantitative relations with surface bodies Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

8 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
Hydro-geologic studies for groundwater protection (Unit of GNDCI national group) SCIENTIFIC STUDIES Specific studies on vulnerability assessment (VAZAR project) Qualitative monitoring network in Valle Umbra Multi-methodological approaches aimed at the protection of aquifers or at the restoration of the water quality conditions. Multiple water bodies definition Water level modification in artesian aquifer Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

9 The Operative Unit 4.11 Regione Umbria of GNDCI
Extension of investigations to other alluvial high-risk aquifers, with involvement of other institutions and local operators (Conca Ternana industrial area, Conca Eugubina and Alta Valle del Tevere). Acquisition of knowledge of all the regional alluvial aquifers, to be used as safeguard and as planning schemes for territorial interventions. Groundwater bodies differentiation by geochemical and hydro-geological studies Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

10 Operative Unit 4.11: calcareus acquifer
Study of the main drinking-water supply represented by the sources of calcareous relieves (RISE Project) : Determination of optimal quality non-utilised reserves, available for uptake in case of emergency without damaging the regulating reserves of spring-systems Identification of different aquifer circulations and behaviours, definition of opposite role of faults (barrier, drain, forced flow) Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

11 Results from GNDCI studies
Definition the origin of pollutants Flow and transport simulation in unsatured zone and aquifer Isotope of NO3 NO3 Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

12 Results from GNDCI studies
Vulnerability maps of 5 alluvial aquifers with all schematic hydro-geologic, geochemical and human impact features of water bodies and unsatured zone Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

13 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
ACTUAL PHASE A program to reorganise, develop and optimise the regional hydrogeologic knowledge started in 1996 with the support of the Ministry of the Environment: the Inter-regional PRISMAS project, part of the triennial Programme for Environment Protection PRISMAS realised a regional monitoring network for groundwater, according to the new italian legislation (DLgs. 152/99). The structured information and the data collected permit now to ARPA to realise a better reconstruction of regional hydrogeology, base for supporting the new planning (Drinking water plan, Water Protection Plan) and reporting activities (Environment state report). The Regional Groundwater Monitoring Network in now operative. Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

14 THE PRISMAS PROJECT (1996-2000)
Promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, National Environment Protection Agency and four Regional Governments (Umbria as leader, Piemonte, Liguria and Basilicata) Objective: Definition and experimentation of standard procedures for groundwater monitoring at regional scale OBJECTIVES OF THE PRISMAS-UMBRIA PROJECT Database-GIS implementation of knowledge Organisation of a permanent network for groundwater monitoring at regional scale Seasonal and long-term quantitative variations Seasonal and long-term compositional variations. Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop


16 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
DATA PRESENTATION Piezometric path of AVT aquifer and evolution Relations between rainfall, discrete and continuous water level measures Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

17 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
THE MONITORING NETWORK (year 2000): 206 wells, 14 springs 12 automatic springs THE ACTUAL MONITORING NETWORK 206 wells, 15 springs 12 automatic springs 22 piezometers 6 springs in built 32 piezometers in built 650 water supply sources Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

18 Data flow and processing
All hydro-geological and chemical data of the discrete monitoring network, together with the data of the remote monitoring system, flow into a relational database (DB-PRISMAS) that manages their acquisition and processing, allowing the continuous update of the network. Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

19 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
Data flow and processing with GIS support Thematic and support cartography Example of GIS output (Nitrates concentration in High Tiber Valley) Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

20 RESULTS Alluvial aquifers
Percentage of positive samples for specific parameters in the Alluvial aquifers Organic volatile compounds Pesticides Chlorinated hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Phenols Nitrites Ammonia Percentage of samples with concentration for specific parameters greater than legislation limit for potable use Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

21 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
RESULTS Carbonate Aquifers Discharge rate The case of Capovena Spring (Comparison of the continuous and the discrete monitoring data ) Rainfall SO4 El. Conductivity Variations of SO4 is correlated to the specific electrical conductivity but inversely proportional to the spring flow (Q). Capovena water is a mix of a shallow Ca-HCO3 component and a deeper Ca(Mg)SO4 component. The total variations of the spring flow are due essentially to the seasonal variations of the shallower Ca-HCO3 component, while the Ca(Mg)SO4 deep component is less influenced by seasonal trends. The decrease of the Ca-HCO3 component occurring during the dry season produce a relative increase of the Ca(Mg)SO4 component. Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

22 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
WHERE WE ARE NOW….. KNOWLEDGE OF AQUIFERS DataWareHouse-GIS implementation of data Development of flow models and calibration with discrete/automatic data Quality state definition of regional aquifer Quantitative state definition Environmental state definition according to national law MONITORING Integration of the drinking water points to the monitoring network (for minor bodies) Definition of different water bodies inside the aquifers OTHER Participation to the Tevere Project Pilot River Basin Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

23 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
WHERE WE ARE NOW….. Quality status at sub-aquifer level: green --> good yellow --> moderate red --> poor Water balance at aquifer level Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

24 Brussels, Oct. 13 2003 DG ENV International Workshop
WHERE WE ARE NOW….. Environmental status of the principal aquifers: alluvial aquifer high impacted calcareous aquifers locally impacted by uptakes volcanic aquifer with low qualitative impact Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

25 AND LAST….. Organisation of a International meeting concerning the Nitrate directive: Life Petrignano Project (LIFE 00 ENV/IT/0019) Integrated management systems of the Petrignano area: new models against the nitrates pollution December 11-12, PERUGIA - Italy The Nitrate directive: state of the art and experience in groundwater restoration on our website: Progetto LIFE Brussels, Oct DG ENV International Workshop

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