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Health, safety and security in health and social care.

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1 Health, safety and security in health and social care.
Student Information Unit 3 Health, safety and security in health and social care.

2 P2 Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health and safety and security influence health and social care settings P2

3 Terminology Legislation is …….. Policies are………….. Procedures are……..

4 M1 Describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in health or social care settings

5 The tasks Using primary and secondary resources write a report that outlines how two pieces of legislation impacts on at least two policies and procedures relating to health safety and security. Explain within the report how risks to individuals are minimised, this should include an example of legislation policies and procedures applicable in your placement P2 M1

6 Unit 3 - Task 2 For this task you will need to read all the Health and Safety related articles on the VLE and the chapter on Health and Safety in your BTEC 1 textbook. This will give you several secondary sources to use.

7 Introduction – P2 M1 Remember when you start this work you need to state where your placement is and what legislation you follow and how this has influenced the organisation’s policies and procedures.

8 Worksheets In class we will do at least three worksheets on: HASAWA On
Food Safety Regulations VLE COSHH Please use to write the main body of this report.

9 Laws, policies & procedures
Policy Procedure Health and Safety at Work Act COSHH Food Safety Act

10 Who has to follow H & S… Statutory Private Third Sector Sector Sector

11 Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)

12 Health and Safety at work.
This Act aims to reduce hazards and eliminate risks to all individuals that work within specific organisations. It has to be followed by everyone that works within and uses health and social care settings. This includes the statutory, private and third sectors organisations.

13 The duties under the Act
The Employer. Provide a safe plant. Ensure there is safe access in and out. Provide information. Provide training. Undertake risk assessments The Employee. Take reasonable care of own & others safety. Work cooperatively with others on matters of H & S. Do not damage equipment.

14 What can the employer actually do in your
placement to ensure the Act is implemented successfully ? What can you do to ensure the Act is implemented successfully ? Use the worksheet to record how a specific health and social care setting can apply the Act ?

15 Health and Safety policies.
Under the Act all organisations that employ 5 or more must have a policy with: Statement of intent to provide a safe plant. A named person who will be responsible for implementing the policy. The names of individuals responsible for specific H&S hazards.

16 Health and Safety Policies
A list of specific hazards and the procedures one must follow when dealing with them. Procedures for recording and dealing with accidents at work. Details of how to evacuate the premises.

17 Associated Acts and regulations.
Health and Safety at work Act Food Safety Act Manual Handling Operations Regulations Riddor COSHH Data Protection Act Fire Precautions (workplace) Regulations Care Standards Act Civil contingencies Act

18 RIDDOR 1995 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. This aims to prevent accidents from reoccurring and can support insurance claims. By law the employers must report certain situations and procedures under this law.

19 RIDDOR Employers must report: Death or major Over three day injury
Disease e.g. poisoning and dermatitis. A dangerous occurrence e.g. where something happens that could have resulted in a reportable injury.

20 COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
These regulations aim to ensure that there are controls in place when practitioners deal with hazardous substances.

21 COSHH Regulations These focus on: Where substances are stored.
How they are labelled. The maximum amount of time one can be exposed to the chemical. How to deal with an emergency dealing with a hazard.

22 Correct Storage of chemicals.
Storage in a safe place Locked out of reach of children In appropriate containers provided by manufacturers All containers must have safety lids and caps Stretch, B (2007)

23 Labelling All chemicals should be labelled with the associated danger e.g. toxic or irritant. Contents should match the label. Container should have a use by day Clear instructions should a spillage occur Stretch, B (2007)

24 Manual Handling Regulations.
Purpose: Focuses on the safe moving and handling of individuals that can not move themselves independently.

25 Manual Handling Regulations
Nolan (2003) states ‘…so far as is practical’ that all manual handling where there is a potential risk, should be avoided.

26 Manual Handling Regulations (1992)
Responsibilities of the employer: To avoid need for manual handling To risk assess To reduce the risk

27 Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992)
Responsibilities of the employee: Follow systems Risk assess Use Proper equipment Cooperate with employers Inform employer of any hazards To ensure activities do not cause risk

28 Food Safety Act (1990) Environmental health inspectors
can ‘seize food’ seen as ‘unfit for human consumption’. They can also serve a notice of improvement and in some cases close health and social care settings.

29 The Food Safety Regulations (1995)
Basic hygiene principles: Make sure food is supplied in a hygienic way Identify potential food hazards Ensure food safety Ensure effective control and monitoring Meggit, C (2003)

30 Starter Poll Everywhere

31 What we have covered so far
Hazards and Risk- Task 1 P1 Risk assessment- Task 2 P3, M2, D1 Legislation, Policy and Procedure – Task 3 P2, M1 Responding to Emergency Task 4 P4,M3, D2 Deadlines Handout Is this useful?

32 Today Focus on Procedures and Policies
Assignment - legislation, policy and procedure Reminder- to collect examples of policies and procedures from placement 1-1s?

33 In a new job/ placement, how are you going to find out what to do?
Working in pairs. You have 5 minutes. Job Description Speak/watch other people e.g. staff, service uses To be shown To be trained Read information sheets Have experience already

34 Good answers but where do these come from?
Job description – Who writes them? Staff/service users input – how do they know what to do? Training – how do you/or the person giving you the training know what is required? Is it correct? Information sheets – where does this information come from, is it up to date? How can you be sure that what is being shown to you is the same for everyone?

35 How can policies and procedures help an organisation?
Please work in small groups, and list your answers. 10 minutes Develop fair and consistent approaches to managing and developing people Can protect against legal claims They can provide all employees with guidance about their own and the organisation’s responsibilities

36 DEFINITION OF POLICY Definition of Policy:
The organisation’s stated position on particular issues An overall plan intended to guide and determine decisions They provide the written basis for an organisation’s operations Are only second to legislation

37 BENEFIT OF POLICY Discuss List three
Policies benefit the organisation by providing: An ethical framework for all those involved in the organisation A boundary for day-to-day operation Continuity over time and across the organisation A mechanism for ensuring that practice is consistent, fair and just

Procedures are particular way of acting or accomplishing policies A series of ordered steps They outline the ‘How’ to instructions for implementing the policy

39 BENEFIT OF PROCEDURES Procedures are essential to an organisation’s ability to achieve their objectives. They increase consistency, reliability and fairness; Save on time and effort; Ensure an effective method is used by capturing whatever has evolved as best practice; enable less experienced, less skilled or temporary staff or volunteers to learn quickly and contribute more.

40 Producing a Procedure:
Task: Work in small groups to produce a procedure which states what will happen if a fire were to occur in an elderly care home. Think about The order of the procedure Which staff are responsible for which duties? Who needs to be called? Would it help to include diagrams? Where do people meet? What about using equipment? Aims for timings? Students to compare procedures with others. What are the similarities? What are the differences? What do you like about them? How could improvements be made?

41 Compare Lets look at an example of a fire evacuation procedure from a care home Compare to yours Highlight or Annotate important or missed information in the model evacuation procedure

42 What is Confidentiality? MWB
Relevant law? Relevant policy? Anything you have learnt About confidentiality so far?

43 Confidentiality Relevant Legislation.
The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) implements the provisions of the EU Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) and aims to “protect individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data”. The Human Rights Act (HRA)1998 establishes the principle of privacy, conferring rights on individuals to be able to operate without arbitrary interference in their affairs, by incorporating the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into English law. Article 8(1) of the ECHR states that “Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.”

44 Provide examples of the following in practice
Health and Social Care practitioners must… 1.Justify the purpose of sharing information 2. Don’t use personal confidential data unless it is absolutely necessary 3. Use the minimum necessary personal confidential data 4. Access to personal confidential data should be on a strict need-to-know basis. 5. Everyone with access to personal confidential data should be aware of their responsibilities 6. Comply with the law 7. The duty to share information can be as important as the duty to protect patient confidentiality

45 If a young person is at risk of harm
“There are instances when confidentiality cannot be kept. Disclosure of information may occur without consent under what conditions:  If a young person is at risk of harm If a young person is a risk to themselves Where other parties may be at risk, including staff members In the event of a serious criminal offence When a young person being assessed under the Fraser guidelines is regarded as ‘not competent’ to consent to treatment (including counselling.)” GIVE EXAMPLES OF WHEN YOU WOULD BREAK CONFIDENTIALITY FOR EACH OF THE FIVE CONDITIONS ABOVE? 45

46 Use text books/smart devices if unsure
Safeguarding What do we mean by Safeguarding? Who do we need to Safeguard? What do health and social care services do to promote and meet safeguarding? What is the Independent Safeguarding Authority’s Vetting and Barring Scheme? Answer the above on MWB Use text books/smart devices if unsure

47 Define: Safeguarding Safeguarding means protecting people's health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It's fundamental to high-quality health and social care. How can knowledge of this protect the health, safety and security of service users and staff?

48 Safeguarding – Relevant legislation
Data Protection Act 1998 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups 2006 The Care Act 2014 The Children and Families Act 2014 (SCIE, 2016) Others….? Human Rights Act 1998 Care Standards Act 2000

49 Safeguarding Children
The action taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children can be defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children's health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Children are best protected when professionals are clear about what is required of them individually, and how they need to work together.

50 Safeguarding vulnerable adults
A ‘vulnerable adult’ is a person: who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself. or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation. (HSE, 2016)

51 Confidentiality and Safeguarding
It should be noted that in cases involving domestic abuse, for example, the victim may be placed at risk if confidential information about her or him is inadvertently shared. Questions from an apparently concerned partner may seem to be innocent, but answering them may help the partner to find the victim, who may then be re-victimised or even murdered. Knowing that a patient is being subjected to violence or abuse, which is serious in nature, may be sufficient to trigger sharing in the public interest.

52 Assignment prep- M1 Describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in a health and social care setting

53 Writing activity Complete one paragraph on each of the following including an example and how it promotes health and safety for the service users and practitioners Confidentiality is important in a _________ setting because…. Legislation, policy and procedure examples It promotes H&S for service users…. It promotes H&S for practitioners by….. 2. Safeguarding is important in a _______ setting because….

54 Assignment Prep Tell your neighbour which two legislations

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