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Twenty Question Review

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1 Twenty Question Review
Chapter 15 A Changing America

2 Free Enterprise System
What is an economic system in which people are able to start and run their own business? Free Enterprise System

3 Who is a person who takes a chance starting a business?

4 A place where crude, or raw, oil is made into usable products.
What is a refinery? A place where crude, or raw, oil is made into usable products.

5 What made many inland cities important centers of industry?

6 Technology of air transportation
What is aviation? Technology of air transportation

7 What is a poorly built apartment building?
A tenement

8 An organization made of many groups.
What is a federation? An organization made of many groups.

9 What is a railroad linking the Atlantic and Pacific coasts?
Transcontinental railroad

10 Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell

11 Who invented the first phonograph?
Thomas Edison

12 Who invented the first electric bulb?
Thomas Edison

13 What is a system of mass production?
Assembly line

14 A group of workers who take action to improve working conditions.
What is a labor union? A group of workers who take action to improve working conditions.

15 He helped to create the American Federation of Labor.(AFL)
Who was Samuel Gompers? He helped to create the American Federation of Labor.(AFL)

16 She started Hull House in Chicago.
Who was Jane Addams? She started Hull House in Chicago.

17 What is a settlement house?
This is a community center where people could learn new skills.

18 Who created the skyscraper?
William Jenney

19 What did John D. Rockefeller set up?
An oil refinery

20 Who made the first flight in Kitty Hawk, NC?
Orville and Wilbur Wright

21 That’s All! Keep Sharp Minds!

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