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Member Leadership!.

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1 Member Leadership!

2 Intro Leadership is the most important part of how the club runs; without leadership our jobs and tasks would not be possible. Teaching others the difference between leading and following is important and we need both to accomplish day to day tasks through out the club. Every ones roles are important whether leaders or followers. Interview someone in the room that you don’t know! Then we will come back together and we will discuss what you have learned on if you are more a leader or a follower.

3 Creating leadership! Why should we create member leaders?
1. We can make a difference 2.Being a leader challenges members to grow as a person 3.Our communities need leaders 4. Leaders help members grow into stronger, independent citizens in the community Hand out interview forms

4 What are the traits of a leader?

5 Personality traits of a leader!
1.Honest- to display sincerity, integrity, and openness in all your actions 2.Competent- Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Don’t make decisions based on jaded emotions or feelings. 3.Forward looking- Set goals and have a vision of the future. 4.Inspiring- Display confidence in all that you do. By showing patience, strength you will inspire others around you. 5.Intelligent- Being willing to challenge yourself on new assignments. 6.Fair-minded- Show fair treatment to everyone. Show no special treatment to anyone. 7.Broad- minded- Seek out diversity 8.Courageous- Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal. 9.Straightforward- Use sound judgment to make good decisions at the right time. 10.Imaginative- Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems.

6 Leadership Skills 1-Collaborative Empathizer Facilitator Mentor
2-Creative Innovator Visionary Motivator 3-Control Monitor Coordinator Regulator 4-Competing Producer Competitor Driver

7 Collaborative Facilitator: Encouraging, Participation
Empathizer: Showing concern Mentor: Developing people Clubhouse Participatory Leadership Decentralized structure, Horizontal form of supervision Atmosphere of trust Team decision utilizing consensus

8 Creative Innovator: Initiating significant change
Visionary: Anticipating customers needs Motivator: Inspires people to exceed expectations Clubhouse Participatory Leadership New ideas welcomed Change occurs often Celebrates goal accomplishments Communicates vision and values

9 Control Monitor: Expecting accurate work
Coordinator: Controlling projects Regulator: Clarifying policies Clubhouse Participatory Leadership Trusting members and staff to do a good job

10 Competing Goal oriented and keeps work moving
Producer: Modeling a hard work ethic Competitor: Focusing on the competition Driver: Emphasizing speed Clubhouse Participatory Leadership Goal oriented and keeps work moving

11 My story: In the beginning
I was not always a good leader. I remember being really involved in helping members and staff when I was younger. Then I lost all my passion to help other. I had problems with self-confidence and not believing in myself which it hard to respect myself. In the process, others lost respect for me as well. I had to learn to care about myself, and put myself first, and then help others. Not only that, l but I had to learn not to do more than I could handle, and to take breaks a needed then go back to what I was doing. When I learned all these important step, I gained my passion back, and with it came self-confidence, and my commitment to keep going.

12 Learn to Lead! How do members learn to lead? 1. Find a mentor
2. Taking a class or a workshop: many colleges offer leadership courses 3. Observing others in leadership 4. Practice, with the knowledge that mistakes will be made. 5. Patience 6. Encouraging other members 7. Member leadership retreats

13 How can you create member leaders!
In small groups come together and make a list of how you can create leaders in your club house.

14 Create Leaders! How do you create a member leaders?
1. Look around for informal leadership already occurring: Take a look around the clubhouse. There are members already doing informal leadership, who are ready to be invited to lead. 2.View all members as potential leaders: Listen to what they have to say, and encourage them to become involved. If they believe that their opinion is valued, they will become more involved. 3. Listen to what members what to change and what is important to them: By doing this , members come up with reasons they want to lead. 4. Support members as they work towards goal-offering encouragement during successes and during mistakes: Start with goals that are achievable, and work towards bigger goals. Offer appreciation, help and encourage to stay on track and stick with current goal. 5. Challenge members to go that next step: Encourage members to challenge themselves is a new and unknown venture.

15 My story as I’m growing There were staff members that would always encourage me to do better in school and not let me put myself down. I felt that I was important, and that made me want to encourage other members in the same way I was encouraged. I felt the passion starting to grow and wanted to change the world one person at a time.

16 Any member can become a leader through practice, patience
Any member can become a leader through practice, patience. encouragement and a little support from others around you.

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