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Constitution # 10 Federalism.

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1 Constitution # 10 Federalism

2 REVIEW Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could not tax.
Under the AofC, there was no president. Virginia wanted each state to send equal representation to Congress. The Constitution created a unicameral Congress.

3 Federalism is the division of sovereignty (power) between the federal (national) gov and the state/local government

4 Federal Power Grants of Power given to Congress (only): Declare War
Coin money Raise a military These powers are denied to the states

5 Shared Powers Concurrent Powers: powers that belong to both the nation & the state: Tax Both tax your income Transportation Crimes

6 California’s Income Tax
How California State income tax rates are structured The tax table below will show in detail the California state income tax rates by income tax bracket(s). There are 7 income tax brackets for California. If your income range is between $0 and $7,168, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 1%. If your income range is between $7,169 and $16,994, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 2%. If your income range is between $16,995 and $26,821, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 4%. If your income range is between $26,822 and $37,233, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 6%. If your income range is between $37,234 and $47,055, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 8%. If your income range is between $47,056 and $1,000,000, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 9.3%. If your income range is $1,000,001 and over, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 10.3%.

7 States’ Power Reserved Powers: any power NOT given to Congress or denied to the states, is given to the states from the 10th amendment Education Marriage / Divorce Driving licenses Elections

8 Const #12: Interstate Quiz today! Test Thursday! Const #8-13 due Thursday!

9 Interstate Relations Full faith and credit clause:
States have to recognize legal documents from other states Driver’s license, marriage license

10 Privileges and Immunities clause:
Residency requirements must be fair Out of state tuition Non-residents of CA pay extra $22,000 / year for UC tuition Extradition: states must return fugitives from the law

11 Where it gets tricky… What if a state wants to pass a law that goes against a federal law? CA passes a law that allows for medicinal marijuana violating federal anti-drug laws Or what if the federal gov wants to pass a law in an area that has historically belonged to the states? Congress sets standards in education through No Child Left Behind Act

12 Should we adopt a unitary form of government, where the national government makes all the laws?

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