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The Grade 5 Exhibition March -May 13, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "The Grade 5 Exhibition March -May 13, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Grade 5 Exhibition March -May 13, 2015


3 Welcome to the Exhibition!
Brief overview of Exhibition process/timeline More in-depth overview of the process Interactive sort – How can we help? Evening Performance- May 12th Daytime Showcase-May 13th (morning) Questions, concerns, comments…` Welcome to the Exhibition!

4 It is a celebration of the students’ journey through their PYP years at school.

5 It is an inquiry that starts from personal interest, passions and issues, but extends into real world local and global issues.

6 Exhibition is not done at home!
We expect children to work on the exhibition during school hours.

7 It is the culmination of everything we do in the PYP
It is the culmination of everything we do in the PYP. There should be evidence of each of the attitudes and learner profiles, all of the key concepts, and each of the skills.

8 It’s a process!

9 Topic Choice—Each student chooses an issue that they are passionate about to explore. Students with similar ideas are grouped together. Some students may work independently, but will be part of a larger group. Step 1.

10 Step 2 Planning—Together, the students begin planning their topic, and write their own central idea, inquiry points, and questions. Different key concepts (form, function, cause, connection, perspective, change, responsibility, and reflection) will be explored.

11 Step 3 Exploration—Students will explore their topic. The emphasis here is on field trips, interviews with experts, experiments, etc. While research is a large component of their exploration, it is by no means a research assignment. Use of Mother-Tongue resources is highly encouraged.

12 Presentation—Once students know what it is that they want to say, then they decide how best to present their knowledge in different ways. Students can create podcasts, websites, movies, essays, plays, pictures, etc.—any way to get their ideas across. Step 4

13 Step 5 Action—Students must engage in some sort of action as a result of their exploration into the issue. This should be as student directed as possible.

14 Reflection—Throughout the process, students will be documenting and reflecting on the process through journaling, blogging, taking pictures and video, etc. All their work, goals, and thinking is captured throughout the process. Step 6

15 An activity to get us thinking about the role of parents in this process.
How can we help?

16 How do you think you can help your child?

17 How do we assess students’ work?
“Exhibitions are the best way to measure learning because they put the kids right in the midst of their learning” Dennis Littky

18 Something for us all to remember…
These students are learning about a ‘real world’ issue but they are also learning “real world skills” such as self-management, time-management and being self-directed with their work. Please encourage them to be responsible for sharing with you and being reliable with commitments. Our job is to encourage and guide. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to Ms. Moss, Ms. K, Ms. Liz or Mrs. DiMatteo

19 May 12- Evening Performance
Mark Your Calendars! May 12- Evening Performance May 13- Morning Showcase


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