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Program Review Presentation April 13, 2012

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1 Program Review Presentation April 13, 2012
Dusty Baker Student Athlete Resource Center Program Review Presentation April 13, 2012

2 Program Description The Dusty Baker SARC provides the following services: • New student athlete orientations • Grade check follow-up • Application and registration (adding/dropping classes) support • Time management assessment • Assessment of support service needs • Referrals to campus support programs and community resources • Assistance in understanding and completing forms and petitions • Support in identifying academic and athletic goals • Education plan development • Education regarding 4-year transfer (CSU, UC, Private & Out of State) • Education regarding ARC, NCAA and NAIA athletic eligibility • Career planning • Personal counseling • Crisis intervention Brief Description of your program. Who are you? One Slide, 2 minutes

3 Student Athlete Success
Our program has supported nearly 2,500 unduplicated student athletes from Fall through Spring 2010.

4 Student Athlete Success
The success rates for our student athletes have risen 5.1% from Fall 2005 to Spring 2010.

5 Student Athlete Success
Student athletes graduate! Student athletes transfer!

6 Program Strengths & Challenges
The Dusty Baker Student Athlete Resource Center remains one of the most student centered and productive programs on campus. The strengths in our program include academic success/course completion rates, graduation rates and ability to help students transfer. Given our current economic climate, we lack the needed funding for additional student assistants, clerks and Instructional Aids. We must identify and utilize new and existing technologies to support the needs of our student athletes.

7 Planning Implications
To address the current strengths and challenges our program intends to: Continue connecting student athletes to existing support services on campus and develop ways to track this activity more effectively. Provide all new/prospective student athletes with a comprehensive educational plan. Provide all student athletes with sufficient opportunities to learn and understand the requirements for transfer and athletic eligibility that apply to their specific needs. Train additional counselors on CCCAA, NAIA and NCAA requirements for competition and transfer.

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