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Rebuilding Japan after World War II

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1 Rebuilding Japan after World War II
America’s post war ally

2 Devastation Japan was devastated at the conclusion of World War II
All major cities except Kyoto were destroyed The entire infrastructure of Japan needed rebuilding

3 --Gen. Douglas MacArthur September 2, 1945
Occupation of Japan : Allied powers occupy Japan (mostly U.S. forces) General MacArthur: first Supreme Commander The goal was to establish a democratic government in Japan To the Pacific basin has come the vista of a new emancipated world. Today, freedom is on the offensive, democracy is on the march. --Gen. Douglas MacArthur September 2, 1945

4 Changes for Japan The Allied (U.S.) forces implemented the following major changes: New constitution Lost all territory Land reform Demilitarization

5 New Constitution New Constitution went into effect in 1947: Constitutional Monarchy Emperor lost all his political and military power Figurehead: a symbol of the state Universal suffrage Human rights achieved

6 The End of Colonialism Japan lost all of its territory that it had acquired after 1894 Japan no longer occupied Korea or China Dispute over the Kurile Islands Tension with Russia

7 Land Reform Concentration of power was dissolved
Land ownership was redistributed End of the Zaibatsu: Business conglomerate that controlled Japan’s economy ever since the Meiji period

8 Demilitarization Demilitarization: Japan’s war machine was dismantled (no more military) War criminals were tried Self Defence Force :(1954) in place of a full standing military Allied occupation ends in 1952

9 Economic Growth Japan experienced vast economic growth in the post war years: Increase in living standards Stable government Korean War Rise in Industry

10 Industry over agriculture
Japanese industry flourishes in the post war era, less emphasis on agriculture: Electronics Automobiles

11 Response Answer the following on a sheet of paper:
(1) Who was the leader of re-building Japan? (2) What were the major changes the Allies made to Japan? (3) What changes occurred with the New Constitution for Japan? (4) How could a democratic Japan benefit the U.S. economy (5) Why do you think Japan focused on industry instead of agriculture? (Hint: Think about geography)

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