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Word problems…. No problem!

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1 Word problems…. No problem!
Day 8 June 29, 2011 CCLM Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project

2 Learning Intentions We are learning to…
Read and interpret the cluster of CCSSM standards about solving fraction word problems. Deepen conceptual understanding of operations in fraction word problems. We will know we are successful when we can… Write word problems with fractions for all three operations and use and connect visual models, strategies and equations to solve them.

3 A Content Standards Progression Fraction Word Problems
Read these standards: 4NF3d, 4NF4c, 5NF3, 5NF6, 6NS1, 7NS3 Individually read, mark the following: Familiar ideas: ✓ Surprising ideas: ! Confusing ideas: ? Come to consensus on one ✓ or ! and one ? Write it on the post-it note. Post it on the board. Cluster remarks. Highlight the “big ideas” that groups together a set of standards across grade levels. Facilitate a large group discussion from the comments on the post-its board. 3

4 What does she know?

5 Let’s Get Started! Work together as a group to write a fraction word problem for all three operations (+, - , x,). Use the numbers given to you for each problem. Each problem should have a different context. Prepare 3 posters – one per operation Problem Visual model Equation Group 1 and 5 addition (1/2 and 1/3) subt: (1/2 and 2/5) Mult (3/4 and 3) Group 2 and 6 addition (1/2 and 2/5) subt: (1/2 – 1/3) Mult (2/3 and 1/4) Group 3 and 7 addition (3/4 and 3/8) subt: (1 7/10 and 1/2) Mult (3 and 4/5) Group 4 and 8 addition (1 7/10 and 1/2) subt: (3/4 and 3/8 Mult (2 ½ and 1 ½ )

6 Gallery Walk Examine each set of posters (+, - , x)
How are they the same? How are they different? Describe the ‘operation sense’ that is needed to complete these posters. Two –three groups examine each set of posters. Answer the questions in their notebooks. Rotate to next set of posters Whole group sharing Operation sense Addition – joining or combining the groups Subtraction – Finding the difference between the two numbers… questions sometime errantly lead to multiplication Multiplication – Finding a part of a whole, finding ‘groups of’ a number

7 Revisit the standards Look at the posters again. Thinking about the standards, identify the grade(s) students are expected to be able to do ( be proficient) writing these problems

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