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Feedback Control Systems EELE 3360

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1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Islamic University of Gaza Electrical Engineering Department

2 Feedback Control Systems EELE 3360
Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering

3 Course Syllabus Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Feedback Control Systems EELE 3360 Prerequisite: Signals & Linear System (EELE 3310) Instructor : Basil Hamed, Ph.D. Control Systems Engineering Office : B336 WebSite : Phone : Ext. 2875 Meeting :EELE 3360 (S,M, W) :00-1:00 (K 304) 1:00-2: (L 401)

4 Course Syllabus Course Description: Mathematical representations of systems, feedback control systems, frequency response and transient response, First and second order systems; Block diagram algebra; Signal flow graphs; Masons rule; Stability; Routh-Hurwitz criterion; Steady state errors; Root locus theory and sketching frequency domain and state variable representation, controllability, observably, introduction to control system design

5 Course Syllabus Text Book: Control Systems Engineering, References:
6th Edition by Norman Nise References: Feedback Control Systems by C.L. Phillips, R.D. Harbor, Third edition Feedback Control of Dynamics Systems, G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini Linear Control Systems: Analysis and Design..J. D’Azzo and C.H.Houpis, Linear Systems Theory, F. Szidarovszky and A. Terry Bahill Problem Solvers, Automatic Control Systems/ Robotics. Modern Control Engineering, 4th Edition, K.Ogata, Automatic Control Systems by Benjamin C. Kuo, Seventh edition

6 Course Syllabus Teaching Assistant Eng (Males) Eng (Females)

7 Course Syllabus Course Aim:
To represent various type of dynamic systems, including transfer functions, block diagrams, and state- space. Linear Control Systems aim to provide students with the ability to analyze closed loop system. Learn the purposes, advantages and disadvantages, terminology, and configurations of feedback control systems To develop a basic feel for the time-domain and frequency domain responses for simple systems. To give students knowledge and ability of determining the stability of a system for both the classical and modern control. To learn how to design a controller to meet time-domain specifications. These specifications include settling time, overshoot, steady state error, and maximum control effort. To provide the students an opportunity to apply the knowledge of above material in a practical (project) experience

8 Course Syllabus Materials Covered:
Introduction to feedback control systems and mathematical background. Modeling of Dynamic Systems. Subjects include Electrical components, Translational mechanical components, Rotational mechanical components, Electro-Mechanical Components, Gears and transformers, Sensors and Actuators, Transfer function models, Block diagram reduction. State Variables. Subjects include, Methods for obtaining State Variable Models from Transfer Functions and Differential Equation models, Simulation Diagrams, Canonical Forms, Model Transformations, Realizations and All-integrator Diagrams, Solution of State Variable Models, The State Transition Matrix and Model Correspondence (Similarity Transformations). System Responses. Subjects include Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Characteristics of dynamic systems, First and Second Order Responses, Dominant Poles. System Properties. Subjects include an introduction to Stability, Regulation, Transient Performance, and Frequency Response. Stability Analysis. Routh-Hurwitz Test, Poles of the System test and the Simulation Test. Graphical Analysis. Analysis for stability is further explored using Bode and root locus diagrams. (As time permits). .

9 Course Syllabus Grading System: Homework & Quizzes 20 %
Mid term Exam % (7/4/2019, :00-2:00) Final Exam % (15/6/2019, :00-1:00) Quizzes: Will be given in the discussion by the T.A Homework Homework assignments are to be returned on time. No excuses will be accepted for any delay. Office Hours Open-door policy, by appointment or as posted.

10 Signals LTI System + H(z) G(z)

11 What is a System? System: Block box that takes input signal(s) and converts to output signal(s). Continuous-Time System: System Input Output

12 What is a Control System
A Process that needs to be controlled: To achieve a desired output By regulating inputs A Controller: a mechanism, circuit or algorithm Provides required input For a desired output Desired Output Required Input Process Output Controller

13 Closed Loop Control Open-loop control is ‘blind’ to actual output
Closed-loop control takes account of actual output and compares this to desired output Measurement Desired Output + - Process Dynamics Controller/ Amplifier Output Input

14 Model of Control System
Desired System Performance Control Noise Signal Capture Actuators Sensors Mechanical System Disturbances Environment

15 See You next Monday

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