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Put the following products on the Product Life Cycle (PLC).

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Presentation on theme: "Put the following products on the Product Life Cycle (PLC)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Put the following products on the Product Life Cycle (PLC).
Smart cars in Europe Smart cars in Canada Smart Cars in USA Cell phones Cigarettes in North America Cigarettes in the developing world Kit-Kat and Aero chocolate bars PC greenest shopping bag

2 Here are the products plotted in the PLC
Here are the products plotted in the PLC. You may disagree with some of the positioning. However, the exercise demonstrates the way in which marketers would use such a tool. Kit Kat & Aero Smart EU Smart CDA Cig Develop PC green bag Cig. NA Smart USA

3 Put the following products on the Product Life Cycle (PLC).
MS-DOS. Internet Telephones (WAP or 3G). Palmtop computers. Play Station 2. Sega Megadrive. Fax machines.

4 Here are the products plotted in the PLC
Here are the products plotted in the PLC. You may disagree with some of the positioning. However, the exercise demonstrates the way in which marketers would use such a tool.

5 Think of your own products and services to challenge another group as to where they are on the PLC – be prepared to support your answer!

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