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Intercultural Learning in a PBL Environment

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1 Intercultural Learning in a PBL Environment
Xiangyun Du Department of development and planning Aalborg University

2 Overview Intercultural competencies
Intercultural issues at international programs Reflection and discussions PBL course

3 What are the most surprising experiences you have had with in an intercultural context?
PBL course

4 Intercultural competencies for future engineers
Globalized context Interdisciplinary knowledge Lifelong learning Effective communication Analytical skills Designing and conducting experiments Application of mathematics and science knowledge Diverse capabilities Intercultural competencies Team work Identity and solve applied science problems Project management Social, environmental, and ethical concerns Characteristics of a communities of practice are cultivated in the historical, social and cultural context. Learning as personal growth and development process – being and becoming through interaction with others in the social context National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020, 2004 EUR-ACE (Accreditation of European Engineering Programmes and Graduates, - ABET: PBL course

5 Engineering programs are no longer just dominated by native young men.
Increase of diversity Engineering programs are no longer just dominated by native young men. PBL course

6 Potential advantages from international programs at AAU
New experiences and eye-opener Development of process competencies Development of intercultural competencies Prepare to become a global engineer PBL course

7 Challenges and identified problems 1
Miscommunication arises due to Use of second language (English) as a means of communication Learning and working styles Personality PBL course

8 Challenges and identified problems 2 Different beliefs on/ways of learning – different expectations
Knowledge Answers Opinions? Educational background PBL course

9 Nobody knows the exact answers until the project is finished
Challenges and identified problems 2 Different beliefs on/ ways of learning Nobody knows the exact answers until the project is finished Students are responsible for managing their own learning Learners are creating new knowledge Studying in a PBL environment, Denmark PBL course

10 Challenges and identified problems 3 Can group work be an efficient way of learning?
Will they believe me because I am a girl?? NO, I can’t get up anyway YES, we can meet at 8 tomorrow morning It is my turn to talk? If we don’t follow the supervisor’s suggestion, will he allow us to pass? Listen to me, I am very experienced He complains of my garlic, but he has coffee and carrots all the time!!! They don’t understand even such easy things!! PBL course

11 Foreign students’ perceptions
Challenges and identified problems 4 Different expectations between students and teachers Danish lecturers’ perceptions The lecturers’ role: Enter into a dialogue refrains from giving answers moves activity onto students The students role: Participation in formulation of course content commitment and self- management Foreign students’ perceptions The lecturers’ role: Transferor Is responsible for course contents and organization The students role: Receivers Reproduction of knowledge at examination PBL course (Reimann & Ulsig 2005)

12 An example: Major differences confronting Chinese students in PBL
A new way of living: from being arranged to being independent A new way of being a student: from fitting to established expectation to setting up one’s own learning goals and self management A new way of learning: from lecture based, theories focused, obligation orientated to student-centred, practice focused, interest oriented A new way of handling relations with teachers and students PBL course

13 Student’s reflection `I have never worked in a group in my educational life… In group work, I preferred to listen when some students discussed intensely, because I could not understand why it was a question to discuss. Sometimes I could not follow their ideas or thinking. I need to change and actively work in the group.´ (Chinese female master student) PBL course

14 How to understand? Model of asymmetrical cultural convergence
New context - Mediated by the classroom dialogue Context: The lecturers’ perceptions of the relations between them- selves and the students Context: The students’ perceptions of the relations between them- selves and the lecturers (Reimann & Ulsig 2005) PBL course

15 How to understand? Model of asymmetrical cultural convergence in a multi-cultural learning environment New context - Mediated by the classroom dialogue Context: The lecturers’ perceptions of the relations between them- selves and the students (Reimann & Ulsig 2005) PBL course

16 How to understand? Bigg’s (2003) model of cross-cultural teaching
Cross-cultural teaching ladder Teaching as… The focus on… Level 3 educating: involving cognitive process Beyond culture What students do Good teaching activate the learning process as appropriate to the objectives Level 2 accommodating: involving teaching techniques Cultural differences What teachers do Teachers adapt to students’ cultural expectations Level 1 assimilating: involving student differences Cultural differences What students are Student adapt – a ‘good’ student Western educational system ‘Exotic’ educational system PBL course

17 Handling Strategies - a new (shared) platform for cultural meeting
Shared perceptions on Learning objectives Educators’ role Learners’ role Communication methods Teaching Learning PBL course

18 Handling Strategies - Two approaches to teaching international students Bigg’s (2003)
Three levels Two approaches Focuses Level 3 educating The context approach Use the context established to extract the appropriate learning behaviour from students – all students The context approach Level 2: accommodation Adapting teaching techniques to meeting the preferred ways of learning The deficit approach Level 1: assimilation Identify skills and knowledge that the target students ’lack’ and mainstream them PBL course

19 Facilitative activities
Project organized Learning Courses as a means of facilitation PBL course

20 Is ethnicity the only reason that
Muslim Is ethnicity the only reason that makes us different? Young girl Philosopher Animal doctor butcher farmer artist wolf PBL course

21 Reflections on ‘culture’ and ‘intercultural’
What are the factors that influence intercultural communication in teaching and learning? Ethnical culture Disciplines/programs – professions Educational background (system, institutional environment) Gender, religion, age, generation, etc Personality, individual interests and learning styles PBL course

22 Reflections on teaching and learning
How to obtain a better understanding of interaction and communication in different learning activities at multicultural contexts? How to handle issues arising from intercultural communication so as to maximize learning and prepare students for the complex and changing world? PBL course

23 Discussions Based on your experiences, please identify the main issues confronting teaching and learning in a multicultural context PBL course

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